Both candidates are ignoring America’s biggest threat: the abuse of nature

Both candidates are ignoring America’s biggest threat: the abuse of nature

by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Yeah one doesnt believe in climate change and wants to sell the national parks…. One is an ex oil prosecutor (yes she was way too quiet about climate change but sadly it doenst seem to be high priority in the election) … how are they the same?

  2. When Americans stop doing this, I’ll believe they care about the environment.

    *Based on a 2020 National Litter Study, the US produces about 24 billion pieces of roadside litter every year, and another 24 billion pieces can be found along waterways. You can see it everywhere you go, along every road or riverside in the country.*


    Climate change is an issue magnitudes larger than this, and yet we seem to think someone can “do something” about climate change when the average American can’t even be bothered to consistently dispose of their trash in a responsible manner. No, just drop it wherever we happen to be, and then it becomes society’s problem to deal with. Something to point out and decry, “Why won’t someone address this problem?” Yes, why won’t they?

    I see it every morning when I go for a walk. Even in the rural farming area where I live, where people make their living from the environment, trash is everywhere.

    And it’s not just us. Look up the stats on this type of trash around the world and you see a pretty consistent pattern. We just don’t care.

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