CEOs who insist workers return to the office are living in an ‘echo chamber,’ a future-of-work expert says

CEOs who insist workers return to the office are living in an ‘echo chamber,’ a future-of-work expert says

by lurker_bee

  1. Echo chambers are a defining characteristic of extreme inequality. We need competition and transparency to challenge expectations. We have neither.

  2. People don’t like to hear this, but not everyone is cut out for work from home. The reality is that most people after time left to their own management tend to do less work. This is not to say that there isn’t clear benefit from work from home, including not having to drive to work, not having to deal with office politics or the bullshit chitchat. I work with a lot of people who pretty much say they don’t do anything at work or do the bare minimum at home while some remote people work just as hard or harder at home because that is who they are. 

    Hell, there are entire subs, dedicated to people who work from home and have multiple jobs. You can argue that if they are getting their work done, then it doesn’t matter, but from the perspective of the company, they would rather have an individual do more work if they are paying for the time and are able to complete those projects faster. This isn’t everyone but if you’re being honest most people will slack if they can and see the opportunity. 

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