Has Russia’s military improved enough to take on NATO? Why Russia’s army is ill-prepared for a direct conflict with NATO, a scenario Putin has warned of.

Has Russia’s military improved enough to take on NATO? Why Russia’s army is ill-prepared for a direct conflict with NATO, a scenario Putin has warned of.


by Horsepankake

  1. Summary:

    Despite some improvements in organization, training, and equipment, particularly for elite units, Russia’s army still faces significant challenges. These include poor troop quality, equipment shortages, and high casualty rates. Russian forces have adapted by focusing on defense and long-range attacks, but losses—especially of tanks—remain substantial.

    Russia’s air force and navy are weak compared to NATO’s capabilities, with its air force struggling in doctrine and equipment, and its Black Sea fleet suffering losses. While Russia is improving its electronic warfare and missile capabilities, it is still reliant on allies like Iran, China, and North Korea for key supplies.

    Overall, while Russia’s military has evolved, it remains underprepared for a direct conflict with NATO. NATO’s superior coordination, equipment, and air power would likely give it a decisive advantage in any conventional war. The danger, however, is that Russia might resort to nuclear weapons if faced with a significant defeat.

  2. Russia’s military is the most overhyped shit I’ve ever seen. They have hardly any veteran fighters anymore. Their equipment is garbage. They are in no way a professional military. They have been decimated by the fighting in Ukraine. Almost the entire command structure is corrupt. Half of the military is run by the FSB, not to mention most decisions are made by Putin himself.

    There is no way Russia could even remotely challenge the west. There is no way they could ever beat Europe, let alone challenge the US.

    What is with the narrative of a powerful Russian military.

  3. >Why Russia’s army is ill-prepared for a direct conflict with NATO

    To quote Putain:

    >*’Of course, NATO’s united potential and that of Russia are incomparable. We understand that. But we also understand that Russia is one of the world’s leading Nuclear powers and is superior to many of those countries in terms of the numbers of modern nuclear force components. There will be no winners.’*


  4. It is unlikely there would be a conventional confrontation between Russia and NATO. Russia could not contend with NATO’s advanced air power. B-2, F-35 and F-22, supported by 4th and ‘4.5’ generation aircraft, would reign.

    The drone warfare that we have seen in the Russia-Ukraine war would matter a lot less if one side has air superiority. And that side would not be Russia.

  5. Who wrote this shit? Are they taking the piss? Russia has never and will never be anywhere close to take on the European part of NATO never mind the good bit.

  6. Improved? Atm they are running on 70 ++ year old vehicles without much new stuff. So no, they are not

  7. Russia’s military is apparently inadequate for LSCO against a nation 1/4th its size, which started the war with older war materiel and fewer comparatively tiny stockpiles. All this “Russia vs NATO” stuff is pants on head stupid.

    The Ground Forces have been absolutely mauled by this war. The VVS has lost airframes to direct enemy action and attrition that will take years to rebuild. One of its fleets is essentially an artificial reef at this point, for all its strategic value. The VDV has been functionally converted into a unit specializing in positional warfare. And its hardware has performed so badly that Russia’s arms export role has been usurped by other powers. It will take Russia decades to replace their losses in armor.

    Basically the only unit that has come out of this war looking anything like good is the Marine Infantry. And they had to suffer horrendous casualties to do it because the VVS utterly failed to achieve air dominance over a country with a comparatively tiny Air Force.

  8. I don’t know how this war will end but I do know that Russia will not be able to fight another war after this.

  9. Can you imagine what the first 24 hours of a prepared air campaign by NATO over Russia would do just with conventionally armed air power.

    There would be 5-6 cleared air corridors running into the country from east, west and south – every
    key target west of Moscow, would be hit in the first waves and every logistical route running west would be hit paralysing their rail logistics and demolishing bridges on all their main highways.

    Those 13 large ammunition depots (or is it 11 left now), will be hit with bunker busters that are apparently over kill for Russian hard targets, their main airbases would all be hit with cluster munitions and other specialist anti airfield munitions – and all that would be just the salvos from the stand off weapons.

    NATO would clear a huge 100mile deep tactical area of operations east of the Baltics where it would remove every Russian military asset allowing space for special forces, helos and drones to operate – ala Iraq in 1991. It would then expand this area of control progressively extending east to cut all ines of communication between St Petersburg and Moscow .

    And on day 2…..

  10. There is no way that Russian weapons or any crap they get from others are any good. The chips that are in their weapons are crap and they will never catch up. As far as 1 on 1 infantry, NFW, they are not trained anywhere close to NATO forces.

  11. LOOOOOOL They will be significantly armor depleted by summer of 2025 by many OSINT accounts. tanks, APCs, artillery of Soviet legacy equipment will be nearly out. They really gonna try and Zerg Rush the baltics or Poland?

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