You will not escape the climate crisis

You will not escape the climate crisis

by silence7

  1. Overall I agree with this post; there’s no place on the planet that won’t be affected by climate change. I consider natural disasters a primary effect; after that you have secondary effects (like supply chains disrupted by said disasters, or wildfire smoke drifting across the country) and tertiary effects (like economic downturns, migration, and social unrest). Even if you manage to avoid primary effects, there’s no escaping their ripples.

    That said, the majority of cities identified as “climate havens” are from[ poorly-researched “top 10” lists]( slapped together by people looking for cheap clicks. I’ve seen New York, Orlando, Knoxville, Salt Lake City, Albuquerque, and Las Vegas recommended as “climate-safe cities” on various sites, and they’re all ludicrous propositions. More often I’ll see places like [Portland, ME or Ithaca, NY]( recommended despite huge flood risk in those areas.

    Good climate projections are out there, you just have to dig a little. And at the risk of a little self-promotion, I have a [free collection of risk maps]( on my site which represents about 4 years of said digging. And again, I do agree that there’s no such thing as a climate-proof city, because low risk doesn’t mean no risk. But we can greatly decrease our exposure to events like hurricanes/wildfires/extreme heat/floods/etc. via site selection. Ultimately it all comes down to our timeline, personal priorities and risk tolerance.

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