When the bard in your D&D group is Spanish

When the bard in your D&D group is Spanish

by Agricorps

  1. A Zambomba! I know watching this video you won’t believe it, but playing the zambomba is an euphemism for masturbating in Spain.

  2. And then Benidorm began and all the pretty blonde girls from North Europe visiting felt in love with this type of Spanish macho

  3. Enjoy peak performance, 2 or 3 more of them and we’re kicking all the moors again out from the peninsula

  4. Ok but he himself can’t control that instrument and he probably played it for 50 years. Wtf is that shit

  5. Bard subclass: [Spanish]

    Siesta: At Level 3, whenever you take a short or long rest and roll hit die to recover health, you will always roll the maximum possible result as long as you add one extra hour to your rest;

    Gitano: Also at Level 3, you can forgo the use of your instrument to cast spells as a spellcasting focus, as long as it also requires a verbal component and you are able to use your voice;

    Flamenco: At Level 6, you can forgo the use of your instrument to cast spells as a spellcasting focus, as long as you are free to move your body, by making a Performance check whose total values surpasses your Spell Save DC;

    Guerra Civil: Whenever you fail your third Death Save, instead of being permanently killed, your character can roll a final D20 – if the value is equal to, or higher than your total level, you come back to life with 1 HP. In this case, flip a coin. If you call it incorrectly, your character will switch alignment to its exact opposite (Chaotic -> Lawful; Good -> Evil).

  6. Ah my favourite genre, some godawful style of folk music performed by ancient people that people pretend to like because they feel they should. Every country has theirs.

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