Is Capitalism Actually Reducing Poverty?

Is Capitalism Actually Reducing Poverty?

by Samzo

  1. Capitalism is responsible for the tragedy of the commons (the tragedy that we ever bought the bs that commons were unsustainable). Commons helped many people meet their need and maintain community.

    Capitalism is riddled with rent-taking parasites that demand rents from people who can’t afford it and grants from governments they don’t pay into.

    There is ever less competition and innovation in the U.S. because of capitalists pushing the narrative that they can own ideas and design regulation to reduce exploration.

  2. No.

    Science does. Science financed by the government.

    Capitalism chases money above all else. Especially in the short term. That’s what margins are all about.

    When important discoveries need to be made look where they’re made: Public Universities. Time and again it’s government funding.

    We have food because we use oil byproducts to quickly & cheaply regenerate land so we don’t have to crop cycle as much (or at all) as we used to. That work was done at public universities.

    The work that made vaccines possible, again, public universities & government grants.

    Our cities were built by the government. The difficult, expensive infrastructure spending was all paid for by Uncle Sam. The cheap stuff (throwing up a frame, running some wire and throwing drywall & spackle over it) was capitalism.

    The reason we have a housing crisis is we’re not doing infrastructure spending anymore so we’re not building out new cities fast enough to get ahead of the capitalists buying up the single family homes…

    Capitalism is great at making nice cloths, jewelry, snake cakes, etc. It’s great at getting you nice little things that round out a fun life.

    It is absolutely terrible at necessities. And securing necessities is what eliminates poverty.

  3. This is hard to watch because it reminds me of Prager U.

    Not in material, but in presentation. I feel like this presentation style sweeps you up in emotional conclusions instead of logical conclusions. That makes me uncomfortable, because I know I’m not immune to being manipulated.

  4. Eh..there are only some truths to this. 

    The reason why China is able to accelerate so much is because it isn’t bogged down by capitalism vs socialism vs communism. They are not economic idealists. They are not rejecting social programs because it is against capitalism. They are not rejecting private enterprises because it is against communism.

    Western countries are idealists. The US is even more so. They blindly follow an ideology for the sake of that ideology alone. Capitalism has its problems, but if a country blindly ignores its problems for the sake of following the ideology, then it is doomed to fail. It’s like forcing yourself to drive a car knowing all its potential problems, and you insist to drive that car simply because it is *your* car, and you dont want to acknowledge the problems because it is *your* car, so it must be the perfect car because it is *your* car.

    So, it might be true that poverty drops because of government spending, but we also need to carefully examine what those spendings are. This video does not elaborate on that and just stops at “government spending”. No. The US government spending is wasteful and very little money are spent toward reducing poverty. Prop this. Program that. At the end of the day, all that money is siphoned back toward private institutions, because the government themselves do not know how to fix the problems.

  5. This is riddled with falsehoods. I’m open to the possibility of capitalism not being the best, but this video does a horrible job at trying to convince anyone that’s true.

  6. I don’t know, but I find it interesting how the narrative towards the poor keeps shifting more towards everything being their fault and requiring them to sacrifice more of what they don’t have. Tell me why we shouldn’t invest into expanding broadband internet access for poor and rural areas, but we should give more tax breaks to billionaires who use the internet to trade information, stocks, assets, houses, and currency using the internet at lightning speed. All I hear from economists is we need more austerity for the poor, and more investment towards the already rich. It’s more trickle down. It’s always trickle down.

  7. The only socialism that occurs in the US and other market economies is the change in the value of $SPY and $VOO between 3:00 and 4:00 pm est. Monetary debasement only makes inequality worse. And would make it that much more difficult for poverty to get better. As long as you understand this ponzi, your wealth will improve over time. And while time passes, the poverty will get worse due to it.

  8. Capitalism could do it. Too bad we don’t know because we have crony capitalism, with restraint of competition, federal control of price discovery in debt markets, etc.

    Crony capitalism doesn’t do it. Citizens United is an enrichment scheme for the rich, while the country as a whole deteriorates with a corruption tax.

  9. I feel the word capitalism is misplaced in that video. Its not talking about capitalism, its talking about neoliberalism.

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