How many cups of tea one British house get through in 24hrs.

How many cups of tea one British house get through in 24hrs.

by MainMoney63

  1. But why…why would 15 mugs of tea need to be in 15 mugs? 😭 is your house a Premier Inn??

  2. Unless there’s that many people this is ridiculous. I have issue with food hygiene but even I will rinse a cup out and reuse it for a brew. I constantly drink tea though.

  3. A house where apparently nobody uses the same mug more than once and nobody washes anything up during the day…

  4. I have about 4 cups of tea throughout the day and one morning coffee all from the same cup though 😜

  5. Yeah am not buying this, we have loads of mugs but we all have our favourite in this house.
    Drink a cup rinse it out and pour a new one in. Why have a lesser mug and have more washing up to do?

    If you could see some dregs or evidence that they’ve been used maybe…

  6. I had it drilled into me as a child that one mug or glass was all that was needed, rinse it off or wash it up between drinks, wash it up at nighttime and it’s clean for the morning, if my dad saw this in the sink he’d batter me and I’m 25😂

  7. Either you live with 15 people or no one reuses mugs. At least dishwashers have a proper purpose with yall lot now tho lmfao

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