Help! I hate blue cheese, but my girlfriend got me on to the St Agur Blue Créme and I can’t stop eating it!

Succumbed to buying a block of proper blue cheese just now, and fuck me it's gorgeous! I hate blue moldy cheeee or so I thought… 🤔

by Weelki

  1. if you want to put yourself off it for life, try the jamie oliver welsh rarebit…. melt some blue cheese in a saucepan with some milk.. house will smell like baby sick for a month..

  2. Why would I help someone who’s clearly in cheese heaven?

    Enjoy it OP, can I suggest some buttered oat crackers and a slice of apple to go with it?

  3. Welcome to the Blue Cheese Enjoyers club. Its top tier cheese once people get over the whole mold thing. Some are stronger than others, I got into it by eating fairly mild blue cheese to begin with, now I’ll eat any of them.

    Goes great on pizza, melted into sauce and lots of other things.

  4. From the fact you’ve got 3 more tubs ready to go I’m taking the “can’t stop” literally.

  5. I hate most blue cheese and I basically despise the mass blue cheese crumbles that are purchased in 5 lb bags and put on salads and burgers and stuff. But there have been a couple of excellent blue cheeses I’ve encountered in small wedges that are just really damn delicious. 

  6. Blue cheese is one of those foods I want to like, but I keep trying every so often and nope, still not for me.

  7. This weirdly feels like a sponsorship. “Help! I hate blue cheese… BUT man this St Agur Blue Créme sure is yummy!”

  8. Do not resist. This is the acquired taste.. 

    Try sprinkling gorgonzola, or blue cheese – on your salads… 

  9. It took me a few attempts to enjoy blue cheese. I love stinky goats cheese so I thought I’d love blue cheese straightaway too. Shoved a whole chunk into my gob and nearly chundered

  10. Try Huntsman. Trader Joe’s carries it. It’s a layer cake of Blue Stilton with a Double Glouster frosting. Nummy with simple crackers.

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