I was under russian occupation for 6 month – ask me anything

I spent half a year living under Russian occupation and experienced firsthand the challenges, fear, and resilience that come with it. From daily life changes to personal encounters, I'd like to share my story and answer any questions you may have about what it was really like. Feel free to ask about anything, and I'll do my best to provide an honest perspective.


by Single-Lettuce-9838

  1. So, what happened first to let you know that you were officially under occupation? (Was there an announcement over loudspeakers? Or did they try to make you register somewhere?)

    Can you describe what a more ‘routine’ day under occupation entailed?

    And, are you ok and safe now?

  2. How do the soldiers treat you? Do they patrol the streets and interact with you?

    What do they make you do when they take over? Do you somehow go back to life as normal? What about people’s jobs/careers – if you are even able to go to work, do you/can you?

  3. I wonder how russian occupation in Ukraine compares to russian-occupied territories in Georgia? Or how russian occupation of Ukraine compares with Ukrainian occupation of russian territories?

  4. After the occupation had fully set in were you able to move freely within the occupied areas or were you contained to your town/city/village?

  5. Generally, how were food supplies? How were you all staying in health and nutrition? Or even health care?

    2nd, were there any massing killings in your town similar to Bucha or Mariupol?

  6. What was your first thought when you realised you were under occupation? Did you just accept it, did you want to run away, put up resistance?

    How did people around you (other Ukranians) react?

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