What’s your favourite creature/being from your country’s folklore?

by Annatastic6417

  1. Belgians.

    Even if i know they’re not real, they still give me the creep.

    Otherwise it would be the tarasque

  2. The big titty water women or the big titty tree women or the hot hairy chested half horse dudes. 🤤

  3. Me and my friends used to be terrified of the Banshee when we were kids, we used to be mad for exploring so-called scary places at night like graveyards and run down buildings, I remember on more than one occasion we’d hear this hawking crackling screaming! It was fucking terrifying, we’d just leg it and never look back.

    Of course you grow up then and come to realize it was just foxes ffs

  4. https://preview.redd.it/sqdtqxxe3zrd1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f99335f4b9e0c0e0d828e712438dd8324ed7b1f

    The Santa Compaña/Compaña/Rolda/Roldiña/Güestia, literally the “Holy Company”, is a procession of lost souls that wander through the woods after midnight. Leading the way is a local villager carrying a cross. By morning, he doesn’t remember what he did the night before, and slowly begin to wither away until he eventually joins the procession completely. The villager can be saved by passing the cross to a night traveller. If you run into the procession at night, you need to draw a circle on the ground (if you can) and make a cross with your arms. If you’re asked to carry the cross, you must say, “Cruz xa teño” which means “I already have my cross” (in Galician, “cross” also means pain).

    The leader of the Compaña is the Estadea, a very tall presence that can appear in your room announcing your death.

  5. Lindnerwurm.

    Similar to dragons, this creature hates humans and loves wealth. He is also a member of the liberal political party FDP.

  6. The Banshee, Bhean Sidhe, literal translation = Fairy Woman.

    Said to appear and keep / mourn the death in forewarning of a family member of those of the old Gaelic families of Ireland, but only if their line remains true to “Milesian”(native Irish) stock and doesn’t diverge to include Saxon, Norman etc.

  7. Germans on Sunday.

    On a serious note: “Witte Wieven”. Female ghosts that are fuck ass mad about their brutal murder. Will spawn as mist and make you lose your way in swamps near the castles they haunt. I also like kabouters but they’re more mischievous than murder-hobo.

  8. ii munacielli :p

    basically the Italian version of faries that make stuff disappear from your houses

    I’ve heard they have a special name in Eastern Europe, starts with G, but it escapes my tongue for now…

  9. The legend of the Carniceira Light (Luz da Carniceira):

    In the southern region of Portugal there’s this legend that some kind of light wanders through forests and plains, usually pursuing travellers or wanderers. Still today, there’s several people from different towns that swear they have seen this at some point in their lives. It’s usually associated with death, either of the person who saw it or of someone close to them.

    I used ChatGPT to create the image I’ve always had in my mind of what it should look like.


  10. No Portuguese comments. We fear nothing.
    But our most mythical being is a cheap house to buy or rent in Lisbon… They say it exists but nobody has seen it.

    Eheh .. of course is a padeira de Aljubarrota

  11. https://preview.redd.it/ccpei3x3kzrd1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8b429bd4149a628253192be2693a417c2308001

    For me, it’s the Bahkauv.

    It comes out of the sewers at night and hops on to the back of drunken people going home. You are unable to shake it off, but it gets off your back on its own once you reach your home. If you pray, it gets heavier, if you curse, it gets lighter, because it is a creature of the devil

    In a different version of the tale, it also steals the drunken people’s money, or causes a headache by hitting them on the head.

    Edit: [for anyone interested](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahkauv)

  12. The British isles have no shortage of mythical figures, some of which being famous, or infamous well beyond their boundaries. Nessie anyone?

    But one of the most eerie ones, at least IMO, is spreading fear in the area I live in. It’s the Grindylow, sometimes also called Grundylow.

    They are said to be water sprits that live in bogs, meres and lakes, look like diminutive humanoids with scaly skin, a greenish complexion, sharp claws and teeth, and long, wiry arms with lengthy fingers at the end. They are waiting for unsuspecting children, which they grab with their shockingly strong grip, and then drag them under the surface of the waters.


  13. https://preview.redd.it/67c6snyeuzrd1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ed219c1676e70cb5402ce70097b1c6557e4a0c

    The cuélebre is a giant winged serpent-dragon of the Asturian and Cantabrian mythology, that lives in a cave, guards treasures and keeps anjanas (also known as xanas) as prisoners. Although they are immortal, the cuélebre age, and their scales become thick and impenetrable, and bat wings grow in their bodies. They must eventually flee Asturias and fly to the Mar Cuajada, a paradise located beyond the sea. They do not usually move, but when they do it, it is in order to eat cattle and people. One could kill the cuélebre by giving them a red-hot stone or a bread full of pins to consume.

    They also guard treasures for the [mouros](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouros) (basically iberian dwarfs that live in the mountains and hoard gold)

  14. As a Portuguese it’s kinda insane this isn’t here yet.


    This was the myth of Adamastor.

    He was said to be a gigantic man of insane strength and resilience, destroying all ships that came by him.

    During the “descobrimentos” era (era of findings), Portugal wanted to travel to India through sea to establish a commerce route. However, the southern part of Africa, then known happily as “cabo das tormentas” or “torment cape”, proved to be too dangerous, and it claimed many of the earlier voyages to determine if such a route was indeed possible (the rest turned around). It was in fact due to insane weather, which through the ships against the rocky shore or just straight up broke them, but still, sailors that survived these trips recalled seeing Adamastor, and thus the myth was born.

    It was only after some major changes to the portuguese fleet construction that we managed to finally surpass this hurdle, and renamed the cape to “cabo da boa esperança”, or “good hope cape”.

    We could also talk about the myth of D.Sebastiao, but i ain’t gonna do that, someone else take the wheel.

  15. Margaret Thatcher, creeping out of the tories secret lair to steal milk from unsuspecting children.

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