This is coming from the party who calls everyone snowflakes.

This is coming from the party who calls everyone snowflakes.

Posted by Javasndphotoclicks

  1. “Fuck my grandkids’ inheritance, I’d rather waste my net worth on a political stunt that will be forgotten before tomorrow.”

  2. “See how bad the economy is? Can hardly afford to buy shit signed by people I hate so I can destroy it!”

  3. “The economy and inflation is so bad I can’t even afford groceries!!”

    proceeds to spend thousands on a guitar only to destroy it

    eric andre meme

  4. I’m planning to start selling “Taylor Swift-signed” shit to the Magats, make some good money, and share some of the profit with Taylor Swift, not that she needs it, but it’s the ethical thing to do.

  5. Its dumb they hate her for not endorsing trump. He literally used a fake image or her saying she endorses him before she was forced to weigh in. But these people are idiots so…yeah…

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