Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years

Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years

by 70dd

  1. Why don’t they simply run an extension cord out the back of some post offices? It’s gotta be that simple right? /s

  2. Because the program isnt anything like you think it is. It gave that money to the states, who applied to get grant money from that pool (that takes a year). The states then plan out where to put the stations, contract out who will bid them, build the stations. That takes a total of 3-4 years…

    If you would like this to speed up, Im all for removing the redundancy of the states and just having one government via the federal system to expedite and streamline government…

  3. Everybody wants a piece of that American pie. Seems they don’t need to show anything for taking it either. 

     That’s affirmative 

    Not sure on the particulars if this one metro area’s given investment if it’s a state or a region of a federal plan. 2 stations 7.5b 

     The government typically does not do a negative investment however things are very unusual ending out this cycle 

    > Oprah hey look under your chairs negative investments for everyone

    To see waypo lead with that title. it’s no different than what has been happening in the duration of 2024 they stopped even linking to official accounts potus or even VP instead it’s 

    kamakamala HQ 

  4. This is one of those things that has a little truth to it, but then is wildly exaggerated and misinterpreted.

    First, notice that the article says “Congress allocated $7.5 billion” not that it was spent. This is because the money only gradually becomes available each year. They arrived at the $7.5b total by including money budgeted in future years that haven’t even happened yet. Should we really expect money that is allocated for release in FY2025 and FY2026 to have already yielded results today? Plenty of people who read this article came away thinking that $7.5 billion was spent 2 years ago and after all that time produced only 7 chargers.

    Second, the first year was too short. The law was passed and didn’t leave enough time to actually spin up the administrative processes needed to take applications and hand it out in the first year. So, what ended up happening was that the first two years worth of budgeted money weren’t handed out until the 2nd year. So, the “in 2 years” title is partially misleading in that the 2nd year is when the money actually started flowing.

    Third, these programs are multi level. First, the money is allocated into a federal account each year. States write up proposals and submit it to the feds and get allocations. Then, once the state has money, it takes applications from organizations that actually want funding. The states each review those applications and pick who to fund. This multi level system means there are a lot of controls on the money so it isn’t just handed out to someone who might never make a station, or who might make a bad one that never works. And, it means that the states get to pick what to fund, rather than the feds. However, this process means there is a lot of delay between when money is budgeted out and when it actually lands in someone’s account who is building a charger.

    Fourth, the article was released just as the first stations came online, making casual readers think 7 stations is all we’re ever going to get. It’s like writing an article about a marathon where the first 5 people crossed the finish line, and you can see 100 more people within sight, but you just ignore that and write an article saying 5 people managed to finish the marathon. What actually happened:

    Q1: 0 stations
    Q2: 8 stations
    Q3: 17 stations

    So, the end result here is that this money has not rapidly built huge numbers of charging stations by any measure, but it certainly hasn’t been 7 stations for $7.5 billion either. It will be several more years before all that money is even allocated at the federal level, and even longer before it is all allocated from the states for construction projects. Maybe 2028-ish we’ll be able to start talking actual numbers built for that $7.5 billion.

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