Massive Retaliation: Ukrainian Soldiers Capture Russian Fortress! Putin Shocked After This Loss!

Massive Retaliation: Ukrainian Soldiers Capture Russian Fortress! Putin Shocked After This Loss!

Massive Retaliation: Ukrainian Soldiers Capture Russian Fortress! Putin Shocked After This Loss!

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Confirmation of the news that Ukraine has taken back the Vovchansk aggregate plant:

Confirmation of the news that Ukraine has retaken the factory used as a ‘fortress’ by Russian troops:

Confirmation of the news that Ukrainian intelligence units liberated the Vovchansk plant from Russian forces:

Brief Summary of the News:

Ukrainian forces have successfully retaken the main factory in the town of Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region after a four-month siege following its capture by Russian forces in a sudden attack. The massive facility was recaptured in fierce room-to-room fighting, captured on the soldiers’ helmet cameras. The factory had been under siege by Ukrainian forces since late May after Russia launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region.

Vovchansk, located near the Russian border, is one of the largest towns captured during the invasion. Reports of fighting indicate that hundreds of Russian soldiers turned the factory into a “fortress” and deliberately created a scenario of intense urban warfare to ambush Ukrainian troops. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry stated that its special forces were forced to engage in an intense hand-to-hand combat to regain control of the factory.

This victory is seen as an important strategic achievement for Ukraine following Russia’s offensive against the Kharkiv region.


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  2. Hungry sides with Putin
    NATO don’t need them, Finland and Sweden are far more important they take up missing Hungry mor than 10 time more superior.
    Go away Hungry you are not important to us or Russia. You are just a bunch of traitors, this applies to Orban and his council, not aimed at the people, all though you keep voting him in 🙄🙄🙄

  3. We've watch many eps. of your news.
    You're an excellent narrator. Speaking with clear English accent, we rather boring
    with all(Ind….)
    accent. Listening to your news, it make us feel like the world
    still have real
    English speaker
    Left in this world.

  4. Putin still thinks his army is second in the world , NOT! They are a bunch of thugs , thief’s who just want to steal toilets, washing machines and refrigerators.

  5. Putin tends to forget that he alone is responsible for this situation
    and should not be surprised if |Ukraine asks to use U.S. weapons against Russia in their own territory.
    He has a nerve to say that he will retaliate against such methods of self defence.
    totally mental.

  6. Well i guess Putin got the west shaking like cowards dictating what weapons they can and cannot use at the same time allowing iran North Korea to give Russia ballistic missiles drones tk use against Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure nice going guys Germany shame on you and victor orban is a traitor and Erdogan as well

  7. clickbait title- time references are vague and could mean any time in history, for example: today, yesterday, the russians did this, the Ukrainians took this and that, it means nothing without a proper time reference and telling your sources as you report or you are just story telling.

  8. We all need to face reality so you can deal with REAL problems. We are all brothers, sisters, and someone's family on this earth. To all world leaders: look around, we may look different but we all want the same things, safety, security and a chance at life. Your bad decisions don't have to define YOU. In fact we have the opportunity to break the cycle! We have history to remind us of what does and does not work! It will take a Big Man to stop these wars, but an even bigger man to face reality be honest with yourself and others, admit when you are wrong and change it. Putin you could stop this now if you wanted. We can change for the better.


  10. My concern regarding the War, seems only to show how Harris is indeed balanced, whereas Trump acts per usual, like some kind of crazed, very old dog with advanced Rabies and dangerous to an extreme; Trump’s fear-mongering helps no one, except perhaps his hero, Putin. Biden, at first, seemed somehow likewise very frail while oddly over-cautious, much like unto TRUMP. Yet nonetheless, Biden saw wisdom and recovered his wits; he chose the wise, indirect war path to help Ukraine win and dared stand firmly against Putin. Furthermore, V. Zelenskyy’s statements regarding brave Ukrainian Tactical issues, being all manifestly Wise — quite consistently VIGOROUS while staying truly FAR away from recklessness, nor pointlessly blustery as TRUMP, a Worshipful CHUMP for Putin.

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