Kherson city under attack. The market and shopping center damaged in result of Russian shelling in morning of 1st October. Few people are died and heavy wounded.

Kherson city under attack. The market and shopping center damaged in result of Russian shelling in morning of 1st October. Few people are died and heavy wounded.

by BananaBrumik

  1. ruzzia terrorizes and targets kids and old people. Ukraine hits missile stockpiles and meatwaves.

  2. But sure let’s keep condemning and wagging fingers instead of giving Ukraine the tools to hit these bastards…

    Fucking ashamed of my country, EU and NATO for allowing this.

  3. They will pay for their crimes in the end. We will deal with the mutts for now.

  4. What a terrifying thing to visit upon your neighbours. With no conscience the elderly are slain just living their lives.

  5. Awful, yet another war crime to the mountain that has been committed against Ukraine.

  6. ruSSia is just sick. And Zelensky had to stand there beside Drumph who says putain is “his friend” without tearing his wig off.

    The world can’t let ruSSia come back from this.

  7. Long range fires for Ukraine please US and Germany. Starmer is off the hook as it is now quite clear that the UK has nailed her colours to the mast. I’ve given my prime minister a hard time here until this was made quite clear.

    If you live in Germany or the US, please consider raising your voice. It will help. Good luck.

    Slava Ukraini!

  8. Russia is a terrorist state! It should be bannen from the UN Security Council!!!!

  9. This is sickening. Dead civilians, killed for no reason, other than a blood thirsty dictator thinks he’s cool. Fuck Putin, fuck Russia. My heart can only break so many times…

  10. Russian pigs. Fucking less than animals. Long range missiles for Ukraine now. I want to see them reap the whirlwind

  11. You go to the market and you see your family, friends, neighbours, the people you shared a life with, dead, just because some asshat from 3000km away decided that the ground you live on belongs to him.
    Russki mir, truly.

  12. God damn the Russian Federation. Nothing but a bunch of criminals. Ukraine we’ll support your fight for freedom until the Russian aggression is dealt with for good.

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