Moment Ukrainian soldier single-handedly blows up Russian tank using US-made weapon

Moment Ukrainian soldier single-handedly blows up Russian tank using US-made weapon

This is the moment Ukrainian soldier single-handedly destroys a Russian T-72B3 tank using US-made anti-tank system.

Drone footage shows the military vehicle bursting into flames.

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  1. Why is this even remotely ok..give me one! Please why are we aiding this? We are basically allowing Ukraine to declare war on freakin Russia in the middle of an ELECTION Year!! People are more worried about trans rights !! This is Fings insane!!

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  4. Використовуйте японську «Касумі», щоб зупинити обертання гвинта російського безпілотника та збити його.

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  7. ukraine's anti-tank system has turned the Russian tank into a personal sauna
    or an charbroiled BBQ depending on how many minutes you stay inside!

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