Who else is old enough to remember this classic. 1980’s educational Tv for when the teach is hungover.

Who else is old enough to remember this classic. 1980’s educational Tv for when the teach is hungover.

by drempire

  1. I’ve still got a soft-spot for the older educational programming.
    It’s the first place I heard about Helvetica Syndrome, and I can’t imagine how I would have survived this long without it.

  2. Please ensure you have your copy book at hand as you will be asked to take down notes from the screen at various points throughout the post

  3. Well, it’s no Look and Read that’s for sure.

    Cap becomes cape with me, tap becomes tape with me… magic magic E

  4. I’m glad so many comments get it. I was talking about Look Around You to some similarly-aged friends the other day, and none of them had ever heard of it. Clearly went to some posh school where they didn’t wheel the TV out for science lessons.

  5. Oh, I loved this. I remember first watching it thinking what a weird time for a boring educational programme until, without any preamble. It cited John Major as a reincarnation of the Egyptian god Tefnut.

  6. But who’s better; His Royal Highness, Sir Prince Charles, or the ghost of Tchaikovsky?

  7. An Oscar winner and Darth Maul all in one photo. It doesn’t get better than that.

  8. “You can pick up germs from a variety of sources, and because they’re invisible they’re almost impossible to see” is one of the most important science lessons I ever had.

    Do get well soon…*Professor*.

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