Conservative Party conference: I’d bring back Rwanda policy and quit ECHR, says Tory leadership hopeful Jenrick

Conservative Party conference: I’d bring back Rwanda policy and quit ECHR, says Tory leadership hopeful Jenrick

by faconsandwich

  1. Why do all Right-wingers have such a raging hard-on for removing rights and leaving the EcHR that stop them exploiting us?

    I seem to have answered my own question.

  2. “I want to spaff £10bn more on Rwanda and remove all you plebs human rights and protections from a corrupt government”

    do we really want to live in a dictatorship – neither the Chinese style or the Russki style appeal to me.

    Helluva pitch that, Bob,

  3. Ah right, the policy that allows the UK to deport 200 people at a price tag of £2mil per deportation? Can we check if any Rwandan official has donated to Jenrick’s campaign?

  4. Beginning to suspect the real reason people are calling for the leadership contest to be cut short is to curtail yet more embarrassment

  5. All irrelevant hot air. Whichever one of these buffoons gets nominated won’t see a general election campaign anyway.

  6. I wondered if the conservatives would go back to the drawing board and try re-invent themselves following their destruction at the GE, but it seems they’re literally just gonna do the exact same thing again

  7. Did we, the voting public, fucking *stutter?* Why are their only plans to do the same thing that made us bin them the last time, only even angrier and more incompetently?

  8. There’s a good chance they’ll form the next government given how inept Labour have been.

  9. “I’ll waste £10,000,000,000 of **your** money on a pointless gimmick designed to appeal to thickos and racists. And I’ll strip you for of your rights.”

    It’s a fucking terrible platform. It’s also not particularly conservative.

  10. Hey, you know that really unpopular shit that convince a load of people to not vote for us last time? I think we should bring that back

  11. Y’all need Trump… he would get up on his hind legs and bellow at the immigrants and they would turn around and go back where they came from

  12. For the last time:

    This will never happen. The Good Friday Agreement, which secured peace in Northern Ireland, is underpinned by the ECHR. The US will simply not allow the UK to threaten peace in NI.

  13. So we have one that wants to remove the minimum wage and cut maternity pay, one wants to bring back the Rwanda policy which wasted so much of our tax money and the supreme court blocked it and one wants to cut spending further meaning more austerity… they don’t seem to have learned their lesson and why they lost…

  14. Truly Orwellian that the Tories have chosen to paint ‘human rights’ as the source of all evil.

    Has anyone here actually read the European Convention on Human Rights? It literally just says ‘People should have food, housing and free speech’. That’s it.

    Only those with souls as black as coal want to remove those simple rights, so they can take us back to the darkest excesses of the industrial era in order to make their wealthy donors a fortune by selling us those basic necessities.

  15. Jenrick is a moron. Absolutely no clue whatsoever. Only an idiot would think the Rwanda policy is popular. The Tories really have no idea why they lost the election.

  16. To rapturous applause from idiots who then moan they’ve had their holiday entitlement, sick pay or maternity pay taken off them.

  17. Why are they so obsessed with show schemes that don’t do any good. If you’re so against immigration, why don’t you propose actual immigration reforms, improve asylum claim processing and deport those who are not granted asylum in a timely manner?

  18. You know this thing that Italy does with asylum. Has it based in another European country. Starmer was looking at it. Is the idea that you have to claim in that country and not in the UK, otherwise it’s a blanket no. That would stop people crossing? And then, if people do cross, what happens then? Do they get deported?

  19. Good, that will help with the cost of living crisis, my mortgage, my underpaid job, the libraries closing at five and the shit infrastructure all around the UK.
    These people ..only offer culture wars, never solutions.

  20. You know, after several months to think about why the general public kicked the Conservatives out of government, you’d think that they’d have come to a conclusion OTHER than “clearly the problem was that we weren’t mean and stupid enough”.

  21. So now they’re basically competing to see who can say the craziest thing to get their name in the press the most. Or at all actually. I don’t think anyone really cares which of them gets to babysit a broken Tory party while it remembers where it put its brain and picks through the trash to see if it has any morals that are worth saving. All they have left is ‘see how many times I can get mentioned so the crazies who chose Liz Truss might pick me!’.

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