Calls grow in Germany to ban far-right AfD

Calls grow in Germany to ban far-right AfD

by Positivismus

  1. “Democrats” wanting to ban the opposition?

    Why are they hating on Putin for doing it yet wanting to do the same?

  2. Banning a political party does not make the people who vote for it to disappear. Better take a look in the mirror and evaluate what you can do different, so people will vote for you again.

  3. Would suggest anyone that is seriously interested on the topic to read about the ‘paradox of tolerance’

  4. The wound will only get nastier if you treat the symptom but not the cause. Would be a dumb move.

  5. votes to ban a party but no votes to bring back the safety and peace they once enjoyed. talk about serious retardation…

  6. I mean there is a much more old fashioned way of managing the far right in Germany that we pioneered in the 40s…

  7. > Last Thursday, AfD politician Jürgen Treutler, by virtue of being the parliament’s oldest member at 73, was entitled to chair the first session of the new legislative period. Treutler performed this duty by refusing to allow motions to be passed and votes to be taken, essentially blocking the center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and other parties from nominating a candidate for the speaker’s job. 

    Can any German explain the significance of this? Is there any precedent to blocking motions and votes? Why would the AfD do that considering it seems only to legitimise claims that they are anti-democratic?

  8. There is a reason people vote for them…. that reason won’t go away just because you ban them.

    We had the same issue in Denmark many years ago. Our far right grew out if issues on immigration, on top of that they appealed to the elderly part of the population with a lot of waving Dannebrog and “everything were better in the old days” and better care for retired people.

    So, some sort of combination of socialist and nationalistic party.

    And since none of the other parties kept disregarding the issues, they grew. But besides people who were tired of the old parties that did nothing….. there was also the extremist riff-raff, though the party in Denmark has always tried to suppress that part of it.

    After a few good elections, the other parties caught on, and a harsher line towards illegal immigration, or immigrants in general (especially when Muslim or African) has been adapted by almost all parties. Making people lose interest in the far right party.

    One election, they had the opportunity to join into a government, but they elected not to….. felt they had more influence as opposition….. that made people really lose faith in them.

  9. other parties should pay more attention to immigration. Otherwise stupid racist fucks will get to govern and that won’t end up well.

  10. Address the issues why people vote for these parties first. Banning them will just confirm to them that the mainstream parties won’t listen to them and radicalise them further.

  11. The call is about wether the far right party AfD is legaly acting according to the German constitution. or not. If there is a violation of the laws by the AfD a ban will be taken into consideration. Please Remember: Members of the party express their xeno- and homophobic mindset openly.

  12. You must ban AfD, because if they ever came to power they might do tyrannical, anti-democratic things like banning other political parties. /s

    AfD isn’t the real problem. The problem is that out of touch technocrats in Germany simply don’t want to deal with the reality of democracy: that even people who you think are stupid or immoral are entitled to be heard and to be reflected in your policies.

  13. So people fearing the “far right” or fascism, are now calling for the ban of a political party they disagree with…? Sounds a little fascist to me.

  14. Ah yes…..nothing more democratic than banning an opposing party…….Jesus the Left is out of control.

  15. Yeah it will definitely work. All supporters will disappear and all problems will be solved.

  16. The far left STILL hasn’t learned this will only make them lose supporters even more?

  17. Can someone from Germany explain, why anti-Kremlin certified speciists from IT not allowed to visit Germany (tourist visa, work visa), but it wellcomed for islamic states refugees or Putin’s friends and natives? It’s only agenda or there’s some reason?

  18. Is it just me, or are the “left” acting more “far right” than those they claim to want to protect us from

  19. Fact they are growing so much means they have the people support, maybe address the problems people face so far right don’t have arguments to address instead of banning everything that is different (liberal solution for everything just hide it and pretend it doesn’t exist ).

  20. I’m sorry but the way I see it, even if a party runs with the intention of blowing up the country if enough people vote for them, then they win. You can’t just ban opposition parties because they are beating you under the guise of “saving democracy”. It’s pure hypocrisy, plain and simple

  21. Since there have been credible reports of the EU top candidate having a Chinese spy handler, as well as connections to Russian disinformation campaigns and financing, about damn time.

  22. Such a petition to the Federal Constitutional Court might not result in a total ban, but in a ban of the most extremist state parties or the youth organisation. The Court could also exclude the AfD from state party funding, like it did in 2023 with the NPD.

  23. People voting for AFD have got to be the biggest brain dead idiots in the EU right now.

  24. I have this crazy idea that AfD voters will see this as a attack to their freedom and will feel even more legitimised and radicalised to their points. The Right today is growing in consent with the rethoric “we against the system” and this will ultimately confirm the feeling of all these people. Even they won’t ban them, the only fact that articles like this spread and people online agree with it makes the right-wing voter more confident of their ideas. I refuse to believe that professional people in the institutions can’t understand how stupid is this attitude.

  25. Instead of tackling the issues their voterbase cares about, just ban the party. That’ll work out really well.

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