A Tajik neurologist with 30 years’ experience and 11 children joined Russia’s war in Ukraine under a one-year contract. Promised an officer’s rank, he became a private and wasn’t released after his contract. Now accused of absence without leave, earning 50-100 rubles, and is being sent to the front

A Tajik neurologist with 30 years’ experience and 11 children joined Russia’s war in Ukraine under a one-year contract. Promised an officer’s rank, he became a private and wasn’t released after his contract. Now accused of absence without leave, earning 50-100 rubles, and is being sent to the front

by BigDeckBob

  1. I am from a third world country. Corruption, disdain, and neglect sums up pretty much where I am from. But, thank God I am not russian.

  2. …after you won’t be able to walk you’ll practice neurology on yourself. or surgery, who knows…

  3. In the great words of Nelson from the Simpsons- HA! HA!

    He thought he would go join the russians, get a officer rank, and be able to commit horrific acts on Ukrainians as a neuro surgeon. Fuck that’s sick. OMG, I don’t want to imagine the shit this guy was planning on doing.

  4. Why are central Asian countries showing ruzzian news networks, you can’t argue “wE havE nO ChoiCe WheRe beTwEeN ChIna AnD RuzZia”, no you’re licking the boot and have completely no self respect

  5. Amazing that they dont realize that thy been lied to for 100 years, and just follow like sheep without thinking for themselves

  6. Who would have expected that the people invading and destroying other country wouldn’t really care about your rights and what you want.

  7. 11 children… If he has 1 wife, she spent 8.25 year pregnant. he looks like 50 years old, that would be 1/5 of the wife life spent in pregnant state, if she’s as old as he is.

  8. Who the fuck volunteers to fight in a foreign war *even for a year* when they have 11 kids of their own to take care of? Naive and ignorant individual.

  9. He’s fighting for Russia in an illegal invasion supporting rape, murder, torture and kidnapping. FPV the bastard and good riddance.

  10. You had a choice…. you chose unwisely. In Russia life like yours is cheap and no one will cry for you.

  11. He gets zero sympathy from me. If he’s educated, he had plenty of opportunity to research and find out what he was getting into 🤷🏻‍♂️

  12. Wanted to experience all the fun and power of sending people off to die, got hoodwinked into being the meat instead. Hard to feel bad about this sicko’s predicament.

    He was “out eviled” by the best in the business.

  13. The ship full of idiots in Douglas Adams Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy has obviously crashed in Russia.
    What an absolute bunch of morons.

  14. I find it astonishing that a neurologist—an educated, intellectual individual whose work is dedicated to healing and helping people—would support the barbaric Russian military. I sort of believed, somewhere deep down that people at his level saw through the propaganda and Putin’s warmongering, but it looks like nobody is truly immune to the Russian mind virus.

    I hope Dr. Orc is sent in the next suicide assault. Russia doesn’t need neurologists anyway; they need lobotomists.

  15. Tajik, it’s very logical that you don’t have to do this, you are also not Russian citizen. So why stay & fight for Russia. Obviously, Russian are racist against you, regardless that you are a neurologist, & have 11 children. To them you are another cannon fodder. Quit complaining & raise the white flag for freedom & make it right with your family & yourself. You are just like the Russian, self-pity, & victim mentality that Putin has successfully trained his people to be. Logically Tajik, what is stopping you from walking away from all these horrors?

  16. It’s because he’s from a minority and a foreigner. Russia is simultaneously trying to ethnic cleanse their country under the guise of war

  17. I’m struggling with the idea that a country can produce neurologists but pay them so poorly that joining the Russian military (also poorly paid) is a tempting opportunity.

  18. Mmmmm his tears…. So sweat…. Nothing puts me in a better mood then a clueless Russian fucker voluntary joining the war and realizing his life is worthless and nobody gives a damn. Good luck at the front comrade lmao. If he did a little bit of research before doing something so stupid maybe he would have gave it a second thought.

  19. I can hear the racist orcs now, “Send the dirty Tajik to the front lines…he’s good for nothing.”

  20. 11 children…..dude needs to chill the fuck out with making kids, fucking goof can’t even feed his kids

  21. I came to rape, pillage and murder and wouldn’t you know it, the guys organizing this inhumane war weren’t totally upfront with me…!

  22. They simply don’t need a neurologist in Russia. No brain, no neurologist. Easy peasy. Vodka

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