Iranian missile fragment kills Palestinian man in West Bank village of Nu’eima

Iranian missile fragment kills Palestinian man in West Bank village of Nu’eima

by RoyU16

  1. There truly are surveillance cameras everywhere nowadays, tz, tz, tz…

    Poor soul, nobody deserves to go like this.

  2. This is awful. And, as far as I know, Palestinians are the only fatalities from this Iranian attack on Israel. It’s like they die no matter who attacks. It’s so tragic.

  3. Thats insanely unlucky. I dont see the warhead though it could have been intercepted or just fell appart in the sky.

  4. Holy crap how far would this have fallen from? AFAIK ballistic missile warheads separate near the top of their trajectory, did this person literally get hit with something falling from basically space?

  5. If he had taken a couple seconds before walking that would have landed beside him.

    That’s insane, the odds are completely crazy. It’s equally insane this was caught on video and should serve as a rebuttal against anybody who says “It’s ok, Iron Dome will shoot them down”

    This is the most surreal footage I’ve seen on this sub in over a year.

  6. Seems the debris landed square on his flank barely missing his head then crumpled him and the impact on the floor broke whatever else.

    Hope he felt nothing

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