45,000 Dockworkers Shut Down Ports From Maine to Texas Over Pay and Automation

45,000 Dockworkers Shut Down Ports From Maine to Texas Over Pay and Automation

45,000 Dockworkers Shut Down Ports From Maine to Texas Over Pay and Automation

by justin_quinnn

  1. Disrupting the supply chain for an entire nation doesn’t really make a good argument against replacing them with robots. 

  2. Another article claimed some shipping companies increased profit by 800% since covid (or something like that). If that is even remotely accurate it would be easy to meet the demands of laborers. How much greed do you need?

  3. Remember you have way more in common with a dock worker than the millionaires and billionaires that are refusing to increase their pay

  4. Protecting existing jobs in the face of automation pits worker against worker. We need government services that support workers *during* the transition, not policies that try to prevent inevitable technological advancement. Strong unions are vital, but they need to adapt their strategies to focus on worker well-being in a changing economy, not just preserving the status quo.

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