New NATO chief Rutte: Putin must realize alliance won’t ‘give in’ over Ukraine | DW News

New NATO chief Rutte: Putin must realize alliance won’t ‘give in’ over Ukraine | DW News

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has handed the reins over to the former Dutch prime minister after 10 years in office. Rutte takes the helm at a critical moment for the alliance.

Former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has officially become the secretary-general of NATO after a handover ceremony in Brussels.

He takes over from Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg, who has led the alliance since 2014.

Following a symbolic handshake and wreath-laying at NATO headquarters, the pair headed to a meeting with bloc ambassadors at the North Atlantic Council for Rutte’s official appointment.

In his first press conference as secretary-general, Rutte called on allies to “significantly increase defense spending” in order to meet NATO’s challenges.

An end to the conflict in Ukraine “is vital for peace and security in Europe,” he said, adding the cost of Russian President Vladimir Putin getting his way would be far more expensive than aid to Kyiv.

He also called for the alliance to “enhance cooperation with our Indo-Pacific partners,” citing the role of China in supporting Putin and as a destabilizing force around the world.


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  1. Stolenburg was the weakest most inept disaster to hold that position. He contributed to the war in Ukraine by STUPIDLY arguing for buying Russian energy!

  2. Being honest and I am from the Netherlands. Mark Rutte really ffed this country. He laughs every problem away. Anyone from anywhere should have had this job, Mark Rutte should be taken to a tribunal.

  3. NATO is corporate private military. It serves big corporations to grab natural resources of other consumers by force if it can't be achieved by other means.

  4. Typical usless politician, that is elected to acheve something he could not even do in tiny scale in his own country, so he is as usless as previous one that failed for years to make countries pay the bare minimum 2%, that left Nato with pants down in front of a war.
    This only shows how western institutions turned into friendzone cradle of brownnoses

  5. However, reminds me as kids, when you would try and bluff your mate hanging from the climbing frame, that your absolutely fine and could go on all day – just to try and break their will. However, Putin's not an 8 yr old kid. So who is he convincing? Us? We may not be poker players like Putin, but we are also not 8 yr olds. Either side could make an unfavourable deal at a certain point and probably still claim victory 🙂

  6. NATO should have been disbanded in 1991 when the Warsaw Pact was dissolved after the Soviet Union disintegrated. The military interventions carried out by NATO post 1991 have all ended in dismal failures – e.g. Yugoslavia, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine. None of the NATO members were attacked or threatened by any of the warring states in these conflicts, so they should have stayed out. The main purpose of their existence these days is for member states to purchase expensive US made military hardware which only benefits the US military industrial complex and the politicians who carry out policies to keep the gravy train running. Jens Stoltenberg turned out to be just a lapdog of the US, can't expect anything better from Mark Rutte.

  7. Russia scared off Canada & the UKs's highest count sniper back home, after getting shot at once & after complaining about not having car transportation to the front & back. Anymore 1 day jokes?

  8. Get it through your thick head Germany, Ukraine will never ever beat Russia it is just a waste of money and besides Russia have Nuclear Weapons did you forget. Our only hope is Mr. Trump! – He will make them settle and weather you like it or not Ukraine will have to give up some land especially in the Donbas area and people will start dying. Nato never stopped expanding no matter how many warnings they got.

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