Music from source.

by JournalistLonely3472

  1. Seeing Orcs having their @sses blown to pieces doesn’t make me feel pity on them they sign up for this so I expect for them to get blown up

  2. Doesn’t look like the orcs strategy of playing dead is working out for them but I really appreciate the effort so I can see some great vids. Slava Ukranini

  3. Hopefully this is all of the uncensored footage from today’s K-2 release. Although this morning the subtitles weren’t working that great, I usually enjoy watching it first on YouTube so I can fully understand what’s going on. Same story as usual, russia sent a bunch of men to die with no real gains to show for it. Unless they just wanted to double check that the Ukrainians are still in the same spot they’ve been for the past several months.

  4. Having watched these videos for 3 years, I feel like I’m ready for the final exam in anatomy now. Kinda feel like I know which pieces are connected to which pieces.

  5. YES,YES,YES finally! That`s what i like. BOOM it goes. Ride the lightning my orcs. I saw so many things that i first thought, and justice for all. But no, looks like kill ´em all is still the classic lullaby. I love it to purge my binge for more last caress for all orcs. I`m hungry for more. Thank you so much for this, someone is listening i guess.

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