Devastated to learn some folk don’t like us.

Devastated to learn some folk don’t like us.

by CliffyGiro

  1. To be fair, if pay day lines up with the two days of summer then we do actually get this in Scotland 💪

  2. I’ve only been in Scotland a few times and all I could think was: “I want to live here, these are my people”.  

     Everyone was nice and friendly just enough not to get on my nerves. Coming from southern Italy I know that “friendliness” can easily be pushed too far for my liking. 

    On top of that, my impression was people were living life without making work and money the idol everything else has to bow to.

  3. I have visited many countries in Europe and only 2 of them have nice people being the vast majority, Scotland and the Faroe Islands.

  4. Oh I get it. Wullies not funny unless he’s on his hands and knees cleanin up yer wee brats puke.

  5. I don’t understand why. We are the best tempermental people in the world 🌎 it’s up to you and your actions if you see the temper part or the mental part lmao 🤣

  6. From the screen names I’m guessing these people are Indian or Pakistani and there is some racism in Scotland still. Which is true of basically anywhere but that’s the best reasoning I can think of

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