Hans, please stop me from having to post pro-France memes it’s really hurting me

Admittedly I support global warming because it will result in Norfolk being flooded and fuck those 6 fingered falmer looking creatures

by SuchSeaworthyShips

  1. and once again it is up to us and us alone to sink the rotte(rdam)n dutch! What can you even do at this point Pierre??

  2. When I make Bavaria an independent nation I will build 12 nuclear power plants on the border to Saxony, Thuringia and Hesse.

  3. The Germans are so deep in russian propaganda that they believe legit criticism of homemade German delusions are russian propaganda.

    It’s intensely arrogant too. Maybe they should re-check their opinions when even Sweden is planning to have 10 new large reactors?

    Sweden, which is FAR more electrified than Germany (electric heating), and even has way more Hydro and much better prospects for renewables.

    The last holdouts against Nuclear in Europe are Germany, Austria and Denmark. Spain is in limbo. Everybody else wants them.


    Because adequate or reasonable energy storage tech for the scale needed for net zero DOES NOT EXIST.

  4. Please stop the global warming, we don’t want you people up here when the south becomes uninhabitable.

  5. Idk what’s giving me more cancer, the brown coal smoke Hans is pretending to blow towards Poland, or seeing a post that makes Fr🤮nce look good.

  6. But what happens if the nuclear power plants in the middle of Germany get hit by a randomly occuring Tsunami? Y‘all are going to regret it then 😤

  7. Well, then again, France has to import energy from Germany and shut down its nuclear power plants if it gets too hot outside.

  8. Hans is so indoctrinated he doesn’t even realise how completely isolated he stands with his utter nonsense. They really believe that Europe and the world just have a problem understanding them. I stopped arguing with Germans about nuclear energy.

  9. BUUUUUT let us not kid ourselves into thinking Nuclear is without its issues. We still have no viable solution for storing the extremely dangerous waste products produced by nuclear fission. Aaaaaand Nuclear fission reactors are a potential Chernobyl waiting to happen if a bad actor decides to go boom boom, or natural disaster or sheer human stupidity!

    When Nuclear fusion becomes reality, it will be really cool, as we will also produce Helium that we are in desperate need for and it will produce a LOT more energy theoretically. As far as I can tell, its by products are a lot easier to deal with, but it is also a lot harder to achieve fusion.

    Till then, we will rely on our off shore windfarms and on shore as well and other kinds of renewables. And of course, gas power. But at least we are off coal. And places that get more sunshine than UK should consider the damn sun too.

  10. U-235 must be really scary if it causes the German green party to prefer brown coal as fuel for electricity production.

    Despite all the nuclear accidents that have taken place, taking everything into account, it still has a better overall track record compared to fossil fuels.

  11. Ok, this sub is admittedly pro-nuclear energy. Ok, I do not entirely support this position but I will accept it.

    However, it cannot be an excuse to respect the French!

    Frankly speaking I find appalling that for a little contribution to stopping climate change and global disaster, people are ready to say positive things about the frog-eaters. What a disgrace.

  12. All your crying won’t help, Germany won’t agree to fund Frances deficitary nuclear energy. That stuff does not and will never pay off.

  13. Strawman argument. Our point about nuclear being unsafe for the environment is not the CO2 aspect and has never been. Idk why this idea is so popular.

    The point is the waste problem, which hadn’t been solved by the time Germany had decided to shut down the last power plants, and it still isn’t properly solved.

    No, you cannot just burry nuclear waste and hope nothing happens. That stuff remains radioactive for millenia to come and can leak into fresh water supplies.

    Also, France should keep their mouths shut, building NPPs on the borders to their neighbours and struggling to supply cooling water in the summer.

  14. The nuclear reactors are constantly broken and are expensive to maintain and repair. Germany exports so much electricity to France because they cannot cool their nuclear power plants because the rivers are drying up

  15. Yeah it’s funny and chad like to build your power plants right at your neighbours front porch (Belgium and Germany). So when things go south it’s not you that’s fucked, it’s the others.

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