I’m shocked that a local church would post this.

I’m shocked that a local church would post this.

by HamonBukowski

  1. A lot of the weirder kinds of Protestant, especially evangelicals see Israel as a handy placeholder, let the Jews fight the Arabs so the real chosen people can claim the holy land 

  2. i always remember being in church when i was young, they’d give us a reading. and itd be 2-5 verses long, but i would usually have read that before the person even started speaking…. i was more interested in the rest of the chapter, or, the bit they werent telling me…  anyways, this genesis chapter 12 is basically about some fella hearing visions from God, being told this land is your land, builds and altar then immediately buggers off to egypt, where he just straight lies to the pharaoh to get hospitality until he’s kicked out. chapter ends. class morals. 

  3. This is the following of “might is right” they always will go with whom ever is, in their eyes, the strongest. Mostly because they are cowards.

  4. There was a Louis Theroux documentary years ago.. basically involving Louis going around Israel with a number of local personalities – capturing snippets of life and daily realities there at the time as they were.

    One of the places he visited was some sort of winery. Basically the proprietor of the winery participated in some sort of initiative whereby he hosted American evangelical Christians coming over and helping out in his winery in a voluntary capacity.

    It transpired at some point – Certain evangelical Christian sects loosely adhere to the belief, The region of Israel must be fully returned to Jewish people in order to usher in the return of the theologies central figure .

    There are also those who are simply weary of certain strands of another belief system prevalent in or around the surrounding region – rightly or wrongly perceiving strands of that belief system to be a threat to peace and stability to the region and the wider world. Thusly supporting what they believe to be the lesser threat..

    Christianity is a fairly large sphere – encompassing different contrasting beliefs and outlooks. The view of the above is one perspective amongst many within that sphere. It isn’t necessarily the prevailing view.

  5. I grew up in the Free Presbyterian Church, similar to this one, who see Israel as ushering in the last days and Christ’s return. They have a strange adherence to Jews and the creation of Israel through their interpretation of books like Revelation and the like. It always disturbed me, this fealty, basically counting down the days until the world is destroyed, and many, including Jews, burn in Hell for all eternity. It’s a sickening dogma.

  6. I don’t get how Christians can be pro Israel.

    If you’re a Christian and religion is all you care about then surely you’d be very pro Palestine as the only Christians there are Palestinian Christians

  7. Why isn’t religious zealotry classified as a mental illness?, these people are deranged.

  8. Evangelical protestants are usually awful, hypocritical people. So it is no surprise to see them endorsing a genocide.

    It’s what Jesus would’ve wanted!

  9. Seen a video on rLateStageCapitalism where they discuss a 1905 Holman bible which had a map of Palestine and the Holy land which was replaced by the Scofield Bible in 1909 which gave rise to the christian zionist claim that israel was the promised land.

  10. The free presbesterian movement of Paisley had a direct link… primarily in Paisley himself but also in many still high profile DUP members to loyalist terrorists. Why you would be shocked that a reformed church would support and promote such a thing in this part of Ireland with respect shows how much the past shenanigans of certain “churches” has been wallpapered over.

    The thin veneer of decency in many cases is just that.

  11. Then you’re in your bubble. Anti-Israel sentiment undoubtedly predominates but it’s not like Russia/Ukraine where supporting Russia is genuinely fringe. A non-trivial number of people here support Israel.

  12. The Christian in front of City Hall today (with loudhailer) was saying god supported this holy war..

  13. “church” is very loose here.

    Those “missions” are ex prisoners, ex paramilitaries or otherwise “ex” bad bastard arseholes who now think they’re holier than thou.

  14. I’m surprised that more people don’t view this as a democratic vs totalitarian thing. These organisations like hamas are openly against a vast majority of the values most people here in the west hold like democracy, freedom of religion etc. Which government out there would you genuinely rather live under if you had to choose? An Iran aligned totalitarian state or a western aligned democratic state?

  15. You’re shocked a Christian Church that worships a Middle Eastern Jew as the Son of God, supports the country of Israel, a Jewish state in the Middle East, a state that is currently in control of Bethlehem, the birthplace of the said Jewish Son of God they worship?

    The fuck is wrong with you? It’s less surprising than a fucking sunrise.

  16. A church, supporting ethnic cleansing and genocide in the middle east… Where’ve I heard that one before?

    Oh yeah… The Crusades
    That was a great time for all involved… :I

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