Iranian attack on Israel as filmed with a wide angle IR camera from Jordan.

Iranian attack on Israel as filmed with a wide angle IR camera from Jordan.

by ObviouslyTriggered

  1. Any information where these hit? they clearly werent targeting civilians and the lack of info on the aftermath is suspicious.

  2. wonder what’s firing in the opposite direction at 11 and 28 from the top right of the screen.

  3. I keep hearing the news saying that Israel successfully fended off this attack by Iran. From this point of view it doesn’t look like they fended off shit…

  4. Crazy that this just occurs naturally in the middle east every few months, so beautiful 😍

  5. Can’t imagine being a child looking up and seeing that. The footage has been so insane.

  6. I just went outside to go the shelter but couldn’t, it was darn too beautiful in a surreal way, so me and some guys from my block just stood there gazing at the sky. foolish, yes.

  7. Probably spent over 800mil on this attack and the damage / toll is arguably minimal..

  8. The explosions that look like blooms are outer space interceptions…. that’s pretty damn awesome

  9. Kharak is burning…

    Also. Never realized there are a lot of Jewish/religious parallells I hadn’t noticed in Homeworld.

  10. Seems weird that we arent getting much aftermath info and the world just keeps on going like nothing happened. Suppisly no one even got killed except that one guy from piece of missle dropping on him.

  11. “Monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground.
    Silly monkeys, give them thumbs, they make a club to beat their brother down…”

    “Why did father give these humans free will?”

  12. Does anybody have a link for that pedestrian being hit by the fallen part of the missile. I seen it earlier on break. I went back from break to tell people about it and it was gone. Everyone thinks I’m exaggerating just how crazy it was

  13. Obviously this is terrible; all the war and wanton destruction, needless lives lost etc etc but goddamn does that look cool and demonstrate a marvellous feat of engineering

  14. Like Xerxes’ archers blotting out the sun over the Spartans, the Persians now bring the stars down on the Israelis. AI fakes will so consume history from this time, it will be hard to know what really happened in the millenia ahead. I imagine people may just mythologize what they believe to be real. We’re living in the mythology of the future world.

  15. Jordanians are in for a hell of a show. Just Israeli and Iranian missiles overhead for the foreseeable future.

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