Kamala Harris says Ukraine handing over territory is form of surrender, not peace | VOA News

Kamala Harris says Ukraine handing over territory is form of surrender, not peace | VOA News

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said on Thursday that proposals that would give up large parts of Ukraine’s sovereign territory are proposals for surrender, not peace.

U.S. President Joe Biden hosted President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the White House Thursday, where the Ukrainian leader said they discussed his plans for winning the war against Russia, as Republicans accuse him of “election interference.”

Zelenskyy met separately with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, following his meeting with Biden.

Later, former President Donald Trump said he would meet with Zelenskyy on Friday in New York. The Republican presidential nominee has in recent days increased his criticism that the U.S. continues to “give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal” to end the war.

Meanwhile, congressional Republicans are demanding that the Ukrainian leader fire his ambassador to the U.S., Oksana Markarova, for organizing Zelenskyy’s visit Sunday to an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania, a hotly contested battleground state in the November presidential election.


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  1. Most of you are to young to know that Russia was once a very big country that they nuclear weapons pointed at us from Cuba. Russia is a Communist country. They are dangerous. Im sure the people are nice but their leaders arent. Be careful what you wish for.

  2. Words by a naive politician condemning thousands of forced conscripts on both sides to horrible deaths in combat. Whether this ends tomorrow or 20 years from now, it will eventually end in peace talks. the lines on the ground are not going to change, only the body count. This admin is incapable of negotiating peace talks anywhere in the world.

  3. Theyre trying to make her look like more of a leader and more serious. Problem is we can smell weakness from miles away. They will steam roll her ass if she gets in. Her tail will tuck.

  4. Why are her hands/arms flying around when she talks, a horrible speaking no no. I had to attend public speaking classes for my job. This annoying habit is a definite sign that she needs a crutch. Same when guys jingle pocket change when trying to deliver a presentation.

  5. So biden/kamala hand zelensky an $8B check on this visit on top of the $200B he's mooched off America the past two years for his quagmire of a war. American taxpayers are tired of being the world's banker, policeman 👮 🏦

  6. So she’s using this as part of her campaign. Why would the vice president be leading this, where is the president, just using it to get a dig in on trump how he would seek diplomacy.

  7. Kamila does not have the ability to lead. She’s going get us into more trouble.

    Get TRUMP in now.

    A little history about Kamila Harris. In 1989 She graduated from Hastings College Of Law. This law school is ranked 82nd out of 196 law schools. Kamila took her bar exam in 1989 and FAILED. She’s not ever had any of the businesses or employees which she brags about having. She’s lied about these things. From 2017 to 2021 she served in the California Senate; Kamila accomplished nothing over those 4 years, working on 164 pieces of legislation which, not even one, ever became law. Her job approval rating at the time was 8%. As Vice President, she has the lowest approval rating that the United States has ever seen in The White House; 28%. Biden doesn’t even like her. Obama hesitated greatly to even approve of her.

  8. Is crazy how she can speak very clear And make perfect sense when dealing with other nations But when it comes to the American citizens she wants to vote for her She gives word 🥗 With no dressing

  9. Kamala, how dare you steal our taxpayer money to give to the Ukraine when US Citizens are really sacrificing and suffering right now. We can't even afford to buy food for our families.

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