02 Oct: Russian Assault on Vovchansk Ends in Disaster | Russia Ukraine War Update

02 Oct: Russian Assault on Vovchansk Ends in Disaster | Russia Ukraine War Update

Hello everyone, from a new video! Russia’s Assault on Vovchans’k Ends in Disaster!

A week after Ukrainian forces liberated and cleared the industrial complex in Vovchans’k, Russia sought revenge. However, this attempt ended in a complete disaster for the Russian army.

In an attempt to storm the industrial site, Russia deployed 17 armored MTLB vehicles, three tanks, and hundreds of infantry soldiers. Yet, this move collided with Ukraine’s formidable defense. The Ukrainian army, particularly the 57th Motorized Brigade, employed drones armed with grenades to halt the invaders. These UAVs turned the Russian offensive into a catastrophe.

When the dust settled, the scene was horrific. Sixteen MTLBs and a tank lay in ruins, surrounded by the charred remains of Russian soldiers. The battlefield resembled a wreckage zone, with numerous dead and disfigured soldiers scattered around. According to media reports, the Russian forces suffered devastating losses in both men and equipment.

Russian troops had advanced in 13-ton MTLBs, each carrying about ten soldiers. They likely assumed that mines posed a greater threat than drones. Although this assumption wasn’t entirely baseless, as these outdated vehicles with thin armor are highly vulnerable to mines, the damage inflicted by Ukrainian drones was severely underestimated.

Ukraine has continuously improved its UAV munitions, adding more sensitive fuses and powerful explosives. As a result, the Russian infantry, which might have been somewhat protected against mines, was catastrophically vulnerable to drone strikes. Russian soldiers faced an impossible choice: ride inside the vehicles and risk hitting a mine or travel outside, making them easy targets for UAV attacks.

Experts point out that the Russian army has been increasingly relying on 1970s-era MTLBs to replace more modern, heavier BMPs that have been lost. These aging vehicles are far less effective against contemporary combat threats. Drones, in particular, have proven to be a deadly adversary for the ill-equipped MTLBs. Soldiers either stay inside, risking an explosion, or ride on top, becoming sitting ducks for drone strikes.

Ukrainian defense forces have also been repairing their own MTLBs to compensate for lost equipment. However, while Ukrainian troops mainly hold defensive positions, Russian forces are often forced to push forward in their “death traps” in desperate attempts to cross the gray zone and reach Ukrainian positions.

As long as the Ukrainian forces remain on the defensive, they can largely wait for the attackers to come. Analysts predict that Russian forces will continue launching assaults with outdated armored vehicles, making them easy prey for Ukrainian drones.

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As Russian war correspondents and Z-bloggers increasingly speak of ammunition shortages on the front lines, it has become evident that Ukraine’s successful operations are exacerbating the situation. Ukrainian forces have recently destroyed two key Russian ammunition depots (the 107th and 23rd depots) on Russian territory, resulting in a severe depletion of Russia’s stockpiles. Military experts estimate that this loss accounts for at least 10-15% of Russia’s expendable ammunition, a shortfall that will be difficult to replenish quickly due to logistical issues.

In an interview with “24 Kanal,” retired Ukrainian Colonel Roman Svitan explained that these operations have severely disrupted Russia’s supply chain. According to Svitan, Russia’s production facilities, located mostly beyond the Ural Mountains, face significant delays in transporting ammunition to the front. These logistical bottlenecks hinder Russia’s ability to maintain operational momentum, leading to tactical defeats for the occupiers.

“These strikes are critical for us,” Svitan emphasized, noting the importance of targeting military facilities deep behind enemy lines. Russian forces immediately feel the shortage of ammunition, which gives Ukraine a strategic advantage. Svitan also highlighted Ukraine’s need for long-range strike capabilities, stating, “We require weapons with ranges not of 300 or even 500 kilometers, but 1,000 kilometers or more.”

Svitan further explained the limitations of drones compared to missiles in carrying large amounts of explosives. While a missile can carry a warhead weighing up to half a ton, a drone can only transport a maximum of 100 kilograms of payload. This makes missiles far more effective for these types of operations.

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02 Oct: Russian Assault on Vovchansk Ends in Disaster | Russia Ukraine War Update

  1. Don't forget to leave a like on this video and share your thoughts in the comments! 😍💬👍

    I would be very happy if you support me through the super thank you button so that I can make better videos. 🙏

  2. The reason Putin is attacking Ukraine is not for oil or beaches. It's because Kivi voted in a Democratic process in 2014. If you support Putin, you support dictatorships! The more you know!

  3. 🐹🍁Un moment donné les orcs vont allumé , pas croyable de mourir pour rien , si ils veule vraiment mourir pour une bonne cause ils ont juste a viré vers Moscou

  4. et Vougledar c'est aussi un succès Ukrainien … vous rabachez, les dépots de munitions détruits sont vieux de 2-3 semaines et vous voulez qu'on croit que tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes pour l'Ukraine … ON vient chercher de l'info ACTUELLE, récente et NON des contes de fées fussent ils ukrainiens ou rus. Vos images datent de quand ?? " Le succès continu de l'UKRAINE dans sa défense contre l'invasion rus " !! vous croyez que l'on vous croit, VOUS NOUS PRENEZ POUR QUOI POUR QUI ????? Document LAMENTABLE pour malades mentaux ?? Vous n'avez plus rien à faire ici, on n'accepte plus VOS mensonges, votre Baratin, vos contre vérités … ÉCOEURÉ, HONTEUX de nous prendre pour des moins que rien avalant toutes vos "couleuvres" !! FAITES autre chose … cultivez des choux – carottes, pomme de terre … les combattants ukrainiens que vous ne respectez même pas en ont BESOINS car EUX ne jouent pas du PIPEAU derrière un bureau, un écran … Depuis quand avez vous "visité" le terrain de batailles sanglantes où hommes et femmes meurent …

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