Russian soldier misjudges grenade drop and seeks cover in the wrong spot (right where the grenade landed)

Russian soldier misjudges grenade drop and seeks cover in the wrong spot (right where the grenade landed)

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. Looks up, cries with glee. “Now is my chance to get a free bag of onions for my widow.”

  2. Mebe he was just excited to finally be getting attention….. “Notice me Senpai!”

  3. What’s that phrase that was quoted early in the war? “We’re lucky they’re so stupid”?

  4. Why are so many Russian soldier’s first instinct to spotting a drone above them seems to be laying down? It’s not like drones see at eye level and can’t see you when you go lower, and laying down means less reaction time when the grenade gets dropped on you.

  5. All they know how to do is destroy, no wonder alcoholism is prevalent. Such sad meaningless lives

  6. They…aren’t exactly the brightest, are they?

    Thank the ruSSkie gods for that.

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