Die Polizei von New South Wales verhaftet und erhebt Anklage gegen eine 19-jährige Frau wegen angeblicher Zurschaustellung terroristischer Symbole bei Pro-Hisbollah-Protesten in Sydney

Die Polizei von New South Wales verhaftet und erhebt Anklage gegen eine 19-jährige Frau wegen angeblicher Zurschaustellung terroristischer Symbole bei Pro-Hisbollah-Protesten in Sydney


  1. What an absolutely bummer way to start your adult life. Blocking your face from the camera isn’t gonna help much now.

  2. It is still shocking as an American when I see this kind of government censorship from a western democracy.

  3. What a moron. Hope a lifetime of being rejected from every job you want was worth the minute of tiktok virtue signalling.

  4. Lmao omg they’re really going to celebrate the anniversary of 1,200 people being unalived.

    If they do, that should tell you exactly what they are all about.

    A lot of no-hire lists about to get REAL FAT!

  5. Imagine costing yourself thousands of dollars and an egregious criminal record simping for a terrorist organization that’ll stone you to death just for dressing that way

  6. Some people are just drawn to the perverse. I’m sure there’s a psychology behind it; same as the people who obsess about serial killers

  7. Why is she covering her face? Babe, be proud of the terrorist fan girl you are! I just don’t get these people – why would you cover your face if you think you’ve done nothing wrong? If you stand by what you did then why not stand by it proudly? Are you only ashamed when you get caught? That doesn’t sound very strong and loyal to the cause. Hezbollah is ready to die for the things you support, but you can’t even show your face? Performative idiots.

  8. Does this woman and others like her not remember what happened in Iran very recently? They’re supporting groups that would readily beat them to death and rape them for daring to show a strand of hair. Iran did that to their own people literally this year.

    Makes no sense to me. Support the civilians, yes. But Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian government? Come on man. You wouldn’t last a week if you lived there unless you’re ok with being basically a slave.

  9. Whilst it’s good to see idiots facing consequences for their actions, I still don’t think we should make the symbols themselves illegal or punishable, that just makes them more subtle about it, and I like to be able to identify these sort of people and be able to know to avoid them at a glance.

  10. Pre COVID I was under the mistaken impression that Australia was a more liberal version of the US. But the amount of authoritarianism i see on a regular basis over the last four or so years has changed my opinion. No freedom of speech, check.

  11. Here’s the thing and I say this as an Australian….shes a fucking idiot.
    She’s most likely been influenced by some social media / tik tok bullshit and thought she’s doing the right thing by supporting a terrorist group but her uneducated brain couldn’t figure out right from wrong.
    I’m sure social media and her echo chamber of influence made her feel ‘empathy’ for a terrorist group because she’s been told no matter what Israel does, it’s bad.
    I’m purely speculating here but a 19 year old girl waving a terrorist flag in Sydney kind of makes me speculate this way.
    Once again.
    She’s a fucking idiot.

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