The new passenger info displays at Euston actually helped improve flow within the station (independent of the giant advertising board slapped into the old space)

The new passenger info displays at Euston actually helped improve flow within the station (independent of the giant advertising board slapped into the old space)

by kjmci

  1. First time I went into Euston in months and I was like “WTF! Why isn’t everyone staring in one direction like a mindless zombie” and then I saw they updated the displays. Great change and this post gives me a semi with the way it’s explained.

  2. hmmm, I’m not so sure. The corridor to the West (right) used to be the “exit” route and you could maneuver across the front of the station to the exit. Now people are spread out East West and getting a clear run to the exit is nearly impossible.

    Sounds like a report designed to justify what has made the station is more unpleasant.

  3. The new boards are utter shit and require you to stand in front of it to actually see anything. The old one was visible everywhere.
    But now the large screen that’s visible is advertising.

  4. In the old layout, that red mass of people was always so stressful to see and be a part of – used to feel especially bad for families with kids and elderly people who were stuck in that red because as soon as the trains were announced the stampede was coming

  5. I also wonder whether the rise of apps and websites which give you the info before the boards has helped with this. I’ve noticed more people lurking in the corridor near the platform online sites tell you it’s leaving from. Obviously these are foolproof but correct *most* of the time

  6. I do wonder if this analysis is slightly flawed though.
    In that when there was a wall of people directly in front of the large screens you could just walk around them. Now people are split up more covering a larger area of the concourse and so you cant walk around anymore, you have to walk through, which id imagine makes it feel more crowded and gives more opportunities for people to get in each other’s way.

  7. The only time I really vibed with the new display board was when they were running the Gangs of London trailer a while back. That felt like a proper dystopia. More hellscapes, pls.

  8. It’s still a shit show though. Platform gets announced, horde of passengers all start sprinting to that platform, there’s 3 staff members to scan in 600 passengers, and there’s a ticking clock saying “this platform closes in 3 minutes” or whatever. Thanks, what am I supposed to do, push everyone else out of the way to get to the front of the mass of passengers trying to squeeze through the 3 barriers?

    What’s the fucking point anyway, just scan the bloody tickets on the train like every other civilised country does.

    It’s beyond stupid and an actual hazard. I’m surprised they get away with it under health & safety legislation.

  9. The thing that annoys me about the new boards, is when coming through the entrance nearest the underground, the closest screen is always advertising.

    That closest screen needs to be the next trains to each destination, so you can zip through if the timing is close.

    Also, Euston is generally an awful station, and someone is going to get hurt soon with how late they announce the platforms

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