Von ISIS im Irak entführte jesidische Frau, von Israel aus Gaza gerettet

Von ISIS im Irak entführte jesidische Frau, von Israel aus Gaza gerettet


  1. While it’s awesome news, it’s a shame press chose to run with this story in the end. It was kept hush-hush when it happened for a reason. You don’t want to be known in Iraq for being rescued by Israel. That’s why many outlets ran with this story, keeping the details of her release ambiguous.

  2. > Fawzia was taken from her home in Iraq to Syria after she was kidnapped, where she was purchased by a Palestinian ISIS supporter who brought her to Gaza. She was forced to bear his children

    There is an unbelievable amount of horror wrapped up in these two sentences.

  3. Really difficult to understamd why people demonize israel, whilst painting all palenstieans as angels.

    The most offputting aspect of this story (and there is alot to choose from) is that even after the original abuser was killed, the family persisted keeping her imprisoned. Its hard to understand when one person does an abhorrent act, but its almost unimaginable that a whole extended family are comfortable with this, even after there is no son alive to protect.

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