Does climate change matter? | The Daily T Podcast

Does climate change matter? | The Daily T Podcast

Asked by Kamal Ahmed “climate change matters, doesn’t it?”, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg replied “why?”

“What difference are we going to make?” Sir Jacob said. “Even the IPCC admits that the evidence for extreme events being climate change-related is not there, that the hurricanes and the typhoons are much the same as they’ve ever been.

“Look at the famines that we had in the 16th century when the rainfall didn’t come or it came too heavily. Or look at the 19th century and what goes on with the Corn Laws… We have had these variations in climate which we have coped with. We may have global warming, which will lead to more variations in climate, and then we adapt.

“And we work out how we deal with what is happening. We may find start growing champagne in Sussex… If all of us switched off our central heating, sent our cars to the crushers, wore the same clothes for the 30 years, it would not make a blind difference to emissions. We’re one per cent of emissions. We may historically be responsible for more, that’s too late.”

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  1. It’s about making adaptions now for our future generations!! This ‘it doesn’t matter’ approach because it won’t be an issue for the next 100 years is absurd! The thought of my future prosperity living in a ‘far too late to change or make better because of the utter absurdly selfishness of our current generations is disgusting!!

  2. We can't change the planet. It's a planet, a living organism. It does whatever it wants. Giving Homo Sapiens way too much credit. Mother Nature could end our specie whenever she wants. We need her, she doesn't need us. She is just going through regular cycle.

  3. We as humans may be able to adapt to climate change but animals and plants are unable to.

    That fact alone proves this POS only cares about profit for oil companies.

  4. The Hurricane that just destroyed the US state of North Carolina, including countless places like Asheville, was more intense and carried more water than anyone has ever seen or heard about going back centuries. These “conservatives” are DESTROYERS & LIARS.

  5. will big corps stop exploiting earth ressrouces to protect it and by definition stop generating billions and billions to protect earth? print this in your brains, the rich and very rich pigs of this earth are all stupid and greedy, they are all in the hands of the devil because money is evil. they are all greedy and selfish and will not give a f about anything but their own interests. thats what will bring this civilization to end, stupidity, and the devil has many tricks to make humans stupid and deceived. including technologies.

  6. This is some ridiculous trolling in a public forum.

    I personally find the current discourse on the climate to display a lack of understanding of the scientific method and an alarming reliance on “argument from authority” but to suggest this is a topic unworthy of concern and that we should abandon any notion of humanity having some role to play is reckless as this guy undoubtedly has many followers who will be unable to recognize this as the unserious arguement he clearly knows he is making (as a joke).

    The arguement that we are heading to catastrophe which one should believe because we should all “trust science” is for idiots but so is the argument that there is “nothing to see here”. Understanding of the behavior of the earth’s climate with the goal of being able to predict how it will behave in the long term is an important and noble effort. This noise does little to impact that noble effort but it would be nice if more people could calm down and recognize the truth: this is a complex problem which we are trying to understand and explain

  7. The world has always been in a climate change. Thats how the earth had incects then dinosaurs then mammals. 😅 This isn't anything new or different.

  8. How about we adapt NOW to reduce Co2. And not pass the buck.

    The pessimism this man is showing towards the most important job in the country is shocking. They will of course be key to climate change policies. What A Plonker.

  9. Key takeaway: We adapt, we know about it, we prepare for it, and we adapt. We don't think we can stop it by forcing people to purchase electric vehicles (which are arguably worse from an overall environmental perspective) or tear out their gas furnaces.

  10. They dont believe that humans can have an effect on the climate, but these are the same people who think the US government can use HAARP to manipulate the weater. Odd…

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