I had a rare and awesome experience!! I was on a Euston Terminator!! A London Underground Northern line 1995 Stock electric multiple unit (EMU) Tube train from Edgware terminated at Euston on the Bank branch heading south. It used the crossover to switch to the northbound line and head back north!

I had a rare and awesome experience!! I was on a Euston Terminator!! A London Underground Northern line 1995 Stock electric multiple unit (EMU) Tube train from Edgware terminated at Euston on the Bank branch heading south. It used the crossover to switch to the northbound line and head back north!

by HighburyAndIslington

  1. Due to late running, a Transport for London (TfL), London Underground (LU) Northern line 1995 Stock train (unit numbers 51593-51594) detrained its passengers at Euston station on the Bank branch heading southbound. It used the Euston loop to reverse east of the station, crossing over to the northbound running line and returning into service heading north.

  2. I can just hear the terminator theme song now, which I’m absolutely fine with

  3. Mate I don’t generally care about this stuff and I’ve seen your other posts about public transport, but I absolutely love the passion, keep it going!

  4. Train foamers are the best.

    Finding joy in things many people wouldn’t even notice.

  5. I understand all the words in the title, yet simultaneously have no idea what you’re talking about. From all the exclamation marks though, sounds exciting!

  6. By the start of the third sentence I knew it could only be the legend that is u/highburyandislington 🙂 love your passion mate!

  7. The constant delays in the morning on the High Barnet branch were getting on my nerves, I almost went home.

  8. More than rare, it’s sad. 

    If you are not rich enough to live in zone 1-2, besides having to pay more to have a longer commute you also get these little bonuses from TFL where they dump passengers and reverse late trains back to central.

    I understand it’s busier in central but adding yet more stress and time to people who have 1+ hour commutes is really not compatible with their motto of “every journey matters”.

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