Drinkers perplexed by new trend taking over pubs: queuing at the bar

Drinkers perplexed by new trend taking over pubs: queuing at the bar

by Triplen01

  1. This is definitely a thing – makes it easier for the rest of us to get to the bar

  2. It seemed to happen after COVID. It’s fucking weird. Form an unruly mob like we have for years!

  3. Endemic at all the Spoons here in Glasgow.

    What perplexes me is that it’s always oldies doing it. I’d understand if it was kids who hadn’t been to the pub pre-COVID, but these are folk have been drinking since before I was born – how have they just changed their bar queueing habits overnight?

  4. Walking right up to the bar when this is happening is the same feeling you get when you’re the only one using the merge lane

  5. Yep…. I’ve seen it myself.

    I remember a couple of years ago I had my first encounter with it. Skipped the queue and walked up to the bar and was served, like a normal person.

    Some guy in the queue came up to me after and tried to give me a lecture about it.

    You do not queue at bars. I will die on this hill.

  6. Order booze on the app and have it delivered to the table.

    Or drink at home and save a fortune

  7. Thorpe Park has this. I found out when I walked up to the bar and they were having a meltdown that one bloke was trying to pay with a £50. One bloke stood there. So I stood next to him, they faffed, someone queued behind him and they served them next. I stood there for a sec and was like, well they may not have seen me, they call the next person and I was like “Erm excuse me, am I stood in the wrong place here or something?” and this guy is like “uhh… People normally queue?” and, rather uncharacteristically of me I said “Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was a *bar*”

    I did get served next, but the dirty looks I got from them… I just don’t fucking get it. IT’S A FUCKING BAR.

  8. Saw this in theatre intermission just gone, queue was out the door of the bar. Properly melted my brain.

    Thankfully théâtre had a quieter bar I could escape to.

  9. A queue starts to form so you hastily join knowing people are quite rightly about to walk straight up and get served before you.

  10. Where is this happening? I’ve never seen it, in Manchester, Newcastle, Birmingham or London, nor smaller places either

  11. I’m in the minority here by the looks of it because I used to HATE trying to get drinks at a busy bar, mainly because there would pretty much always be that dickhead who knew full well that they’d arrived after me trying their best to get served before me. Most of the time the bar staff wouldn’t be paying attention at all (not having a go at them because they’re obviously busy getting the drinks sorted).

    Queueing is a bit extreme but how about a ticket system where you get a number? I know there’s fuck all chance of this ever happening but for me that would improve things a lot.

  12. This may be a controversial opinion on here, but I’m all for it. Can’t stand it when you’re stood at a busy bar and the barman keeps on taking orders from everyone except for you, because you just can’t catch his eye today. Most people are decent and will gesture towards the person who’s been waiting longest anyway, may as well fully embrace the queueing system.

  13. Didn’t we usually queue but essentially you stand at the bar as a group but remember who was there before you? Meaning if it came to your turn and someone nearby hadn’t been you’d point at them to get served before yourself.

  14. Stop it. Stop it now.

    Any pub that introduces this insane practice should be burnt to the ground.

  15. Bar staff hate it too. Just walk up to the bar and get served like a normal human being – even if there is a single file queue heading out the door. 

  16. All the old working men’s clubs had a queuing system with actual barriers . Good luck trying to skip that queue

  17. My local put a sign up to try and stop people forming a big line queued out the door.

    People still do it.

    I just walk round them and get served properly.

  18. It’s only taken four years to be picked up on, seen it at every festival/event I’ve worked at since lockdown ended

  19. Gimps do this in a pub near mine. I just walk up to the empty part of the bar and get served.

    Anyone who glares or tuts is just a complete plank.

  20. Not sure what people are complaining about. I’ve managed pubs for 15 years. Regardless if you are in a line , or standing in a row at the bar, you’ll be in a queue. Whether this is physical or mentally in my head, good staff will know who exaclty is next, so standing in a line makes zero difference to us or to you.

    If anything, it stops punters getting riled up with each other if someone thinks they are served out of turn.

  21. I’ve seen it and participated, but it’s only when there is 1 person serving so everyone stood by the bar would only means some rude wanker pushing and and trying to jump ahead of the queue on the bar that would have formed.

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