Französischer Dschihadist mit Verbindungen zu Charlie-Hebdo-Attentätern zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt

Französischer Dschihadist mit Verbindungen zu Charlie-Hebdo-Attentätern zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt

  1. That is good. The person responsible for training the actual perpetrators who attacked Charlie Hebdo finally received punishment he deserved.

  2. How different countries treat terrorists

    Israel: Kill them and disintegrate their body into tiny pieces of pink misty gore with enough high explosives to knock down a multi story apartment complex and pancake the super secret no Mossad allowed terrorist bunker underneath it while simultaneously blowing off the face, hands, legs and testicles of everyone inside as their pagers, radios, mobile phones, and suicide vests simultaneously explode.

    France: Urgh huh huh, right this way Mr Terrorists sir, you are now a guest at the very best prison in la France. On your right you can see your new rooms are very comfortablely equipped with the very best of French design in furniture, bedding, and pillows. Oh yes, those bed sheets are Egyptian cotton too, you will be very comfortable sir, we wouldn’t want you to sweat, which is why we have also installed air conditioning. Here’s the remote. Now right this way, on your left you will find 3 full meals a day, monsieur, I assure you it is only the best of French cuisine, all provided for free of course by the relatives of the people you raped and killed. Chocolate? Now follow me to the see where the hot showers are and the gym.

    I can’t imagine why this doesn’t seem to work

  3. I hope they put him in a dark, lonely closet-sized cell where he has no option but to contemplate if another day is worth it.

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