Trump Knows He’s Going to Prison and Has Thursday FREAKOUT on Truth Social

Trump Knows He’s Going to Prison and Has Thursday FREAKOUT on Truth Social

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Dude, if it’s all true, you shouldn’t be even running for president so it needs to be sorted now. Your delaying tactics and scotus toadies, delayed it until now. Stop crying.

  2. *Sniff, sniff, sniff…*
    You smell that? It smells like the Thanksgiving ***justice*** is just about ready to come out of the oven!

  3. Wow.
    It’s almost as if he was forced to release this on a time table…
    …by the judge who expects to have the pre-trial issues resolved by end of month.

  4. Trump can say whatever he wants give slander by the minute say he will have people arrested then give them ridiculous names spew hate one sentence after another and the media never calls him out or holds Trump accountable, media just gives him a ongoing free pass.
    Now, if Biden or Harris say even one thing out of line, they jump in right away and carry it on and on.
    The media should say Donald Trump is mentally unstable. Trump is showing serious mental decline on a daily basis.
    Mainstream media will jump like a fly jumps on shit against Biden for dementia without proof in regards to Biden, a sitting president.

  5. So what would SCOTUS’ ruling on POTUS immunity be, then? Or Cannon’s refusal to hear the FL case? Election interference, no?

  6. Any Criminal that knows he’s guilty as sin, otherwise why postpone these cases, in hopes if elected you could make them disappear. Innocent people don’t delay trials if your innocent you just want to clear your name. He should be shitting bricks.

  7. This isn’t a reliable news source:

    POLITICAL FLARE (this media source)

    “A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news”

  8. He should have been in jail yesterday. Fuck this guy! He should be fucking accountable for every crime he committed! Fuck that motherfucker!!!

  9. It’s ok, Trump social will be done in another month. Nunes has taken the cash box and run off to the balkans with someone he met online called Natasha. He fired all of the senior admin, and only Russian bots are left to fake the ALL-CAPS idiocy that is shot out under the name of the orange oaf.

  10. I think if we get out and vote, and put Kamala in the White House, then it’s game over for Trump. And the possibility of him actually going to jail for his crimes dramatically goes up. At the very least, he will be in court rooms draining his bank account for the rest of his life. 

  11. I highly doubt it. The rich don’t go to jail in the US and he still had a good chance of getting elected. He could shoot a baby and people would still vote for him

  12. He’s not fucking going to prison stop it. I’ve been hearing how “he’ll get his!” For years and shit happens. He’ll get away with it and die peacefully of old age, because of course he fucking will

  13. Hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but he’s a former president with powerful cronies and a devoted cult who would gladly commit high treason and destroy democracy and America as a whole for him. The orange bastard will never see the inside of a cell.

    Then again, I never thought he would be found guilty on 37 felonies. Here’s hoping he spends the rest of his miserable existence in a cell with his J6 buddies.

  14. Election interference? You mean like when FBI Director James Comey reopened the agency’s investigation into Hillary’s private email server just days before the 2016 election. That kind of election interference?

  15. Send him to a place with silver toilets with only healthy food. He will last less than 3 hrs before he does himself in.

  16. Sadly he is so rich he won’t ever see jail. The justice system is just as corrupt as him.

  17. A lot of people are afraid of the MAGA minions and publicly saying they are with trump. But I think this will reflect differently in the ballot boxes , just like 2020.and that includes republicans also.

  18. I wish Trump was going to jail, but I don’t see it happening. Someone care to explain how this post is relevant? How is he going to jail?

  19. Vote blue. Red is beyond corrupt. And I’m apolitical. Fuck both sides but trump is scum.

  20. Yeah, I very much doubt he knows because *we* don’t even know. He’s managed to wriggle his way out of proper punishment every time so far.

  21. It’s not just him that needs to go to jail, but all of those behind his curtain. The private groups, individuals and so on need to be charged and convicted of their initiatives to disrupt and destroy the government.

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