This poor lady complaining paying € 80 for a breakfast in Paris. Why visiting Paris if you are poor?

This poor lady complaining paying € 80 for a breakfast in Paris. Why visiting Paris if you are poor?

by nomad_Henry

  1. imagine not checking the menu before going into a place. specially nearby one of the most touristy places in planet earth.

    W for the onion soups here. They pickpocketed legally these Fernandas.

  2. I’m with my hermanos on this one. I don’t check the price of coffee, and although we should expect the worst from the Fr*nch, I never expect them to be so gay… Couse they really like to fuck me!

  3. Why is she not carrying food in her backpack instead of cheap clothing that looks expensive like the rest of us when visiting Paris? Probably that’s a good starting point

  4. Grounbreaking news : Tourist gets caught in tourist trap while touristing in a touristy spot.

  5. What kind of cuck would watch this clip and go “no, this price is reasonable, actually”

  6. That’s the biggest tourist trap…it’s *so* exclusive they have them in the train station…

  7. Imagine not checking menu because “thats for poor people” and then complain about prices.

    Imagine going into a extremely snob gold coated tourist trap pattiserie in the Champs Elysees and expecting Bar Manolo like prices.

    Wanabe posh.

  8. You don’t need to see the prices in Paris and the bill says ‘Cafe Latte’ instead of ‘Café au Lait’, it’s for tourists.

  9. She kept waving the bill around too quickly. I wanted to see where she got such cheap macaroons.

  10. Dresses like she’s rich -> goes to expensive looking place in one of Europe’s most expensive city -> complains when the price is high

  11. anyone from Venice here? How much is a coffee at piasa san marco nowadays?

    Edit: just checked, its 12€ for a doppio at Florian….

  12. Mmmmmh Pâtisserie LaDuree on Champs Elysee, what could go wrong ?
    Touristiest tourist place of tourist. Zero awareness.
    14€ for café au lait is a steal but come on, have some common sense.

  13. If Parisians pay 80 for breakfast you better be sure it’s in a fancy upscale place with a brunch menu that includes champagne and chocolate fountains.

  14. These bitches walked into one of the most expensive places in the country, where the prices are indeed unaffordable for most people. However, the prices have nothing to do with the products being sold; they exist solely to keep out the poor and reserve the place for the richest, most superficial, and pretentious people possible. In other words, it’s exactly the kind of place for these bitches.

  15. Respect to Ladurée. Extracting 80€ from braindead influencers with shitty american coffee and frozen macarons. It’s beautiful.

  16. You’d think that Consuela would know not to order mineral water in a fancy tourism she’s from the country of tourist traps

  17. Low IQ idiot goes to expensive place without checking in advance? Colour me shocked


    And that’s how they get tourists. Bottles of water

    Actually, Ladurée itself is pretty expensive to eat at. Like, c’mon

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