Bei dem Massaker in Burkina Faso kamen nach Einschätzung der französischen Sicherheitskräfte 600 Menschen ums Leben, doppelt so viele wie frühere Schätzungen

Bei dem Massaker in Burkina Faso kamen nach Einschätzung der französischen Sicherheitskräfte 600 Menschen ums Leben, doppelt so viele wie frühere Schätzungen

  1. “Militants from Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an al Qaeda affiliate based in Mali and active in Burkina Faso, opened fire methodically as they swept into the outskirts of Barsalogho on motorcycles and shot down villagers, who lay helpless in the freshly upturned dirt of the trench, according to several videos of the August 24 attack posted by pro-JNIM accounts on social media. Many of the dead were women and children, and the footage is punctuated by the sound of automatic gunfire and screams of victims as they are shot while apparently trying to play dead.”

    Fucking hell, literally nightmare fuel

  2. It’s probably Western-funded to justify intervention; go home, France; it’s not your problem.

  3. I wouldn’t trust the French here for a second. They’ve kept the region impoverished since the colonial period and have allegations from the current government that they’re linked with the jihadiststs.

    There was definitely a massacre but I’d trust the local government over the French any day

  4. Al jazeera needs to be careful or they will be banned by Ibrahim Traoré and called fake news for reporting this brutal attack by the terrorists! Reporting hurtful facts somewhat gets you banned or imprisoned in Burkina Faso nowadays.

    We must hide the facts and the truth to save the junta grip on power

  5. Massacre in Burkina Faso – nobody cares because they “chose” Russia

    Israel kills terrorists in Lebanon, Gaza and Syria = monsters because… Lebanon, Gaza and Syria are such big fans of the West? 

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