Battle of Cable Street: ‘I was there when the East End said “No pasaran” to the fascists’

Battle of Cable Street: ‘I was there when the East End said “No pasaran” to the fascists’

by theslicetowham

  1. Anyone interested in this should also find about the 43 Group [](

    Heard a radio interview many years ago on GLR/BBC London with one of the guys involved in this. They were a proper bunch of hardcases too.

  2. My mum was a child living in Cable St then, and often told us about when she threw a kitchen chair out of the window at the fascists. Her mum gave her a clip round the ear and a cuddle!

  3. My great aunt used to tell about how she rolled ball bearings under the hooves of the police horses! My grandad was always disapproving about it, because while he hated fascists he disliked the idea of hurting innocent animals.

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