Love Ballymena followers respond to gay pride event

Love Ballymena followers respond to gay pride event

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. These people have worms in their festering brains. It’s always the frigging ‘bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe ______???!!!’ crowd

  2. ” We are The Leftest Woke Preservation Society ,

    god save donny duck, brandyballs and windolene “

  3. Well if you will read facebook comments you are gonna see a lot of shit. Same way if you looked down a sewer.

    Also no one is stopping them doing a winter fuel allowance parade

  4. >Maybe we should have a parade to support the pensioners

    Yeah go for it? Who says you can’t?

  5. I had the unfortunate mis-pleasure of working with one of the shitheads commenting on this, suffice to say I did not get on with him very well.

  6. You can be relatively sure the same cunts will have no problem with loyalist paramilitary bands parading through Catholic or mixed areas singing about murdering people based on their religion . Nor will they have any issue with multi million pound clean ups of bonfires and “cultural” piss ups.

  7. “The gay community always want to rub normal heterosexual peoples’ noses in it”

    That’s suspiciously phrased

    Also – shout out to “the big man at the gates of heaven”

  8. If a load of men, many of whom have grown silly moustaches, want to express themselves publicly by dressing up in flamboyant clothing and listening to crap music with a load other like-minded men, what exactly is the issue?

  9. I blocked Love Ballymena a long time ago, I like to pretend the people from their comment section don’t live in my town. 😔

  10. Ah, ballymena, where 50 denominations exist created 1500 years after the death of Jesus, claiming to be the one true church. Just build roads around it and close it off.

  11. Didn’t you know… the gays took the pensioner’s winter allowance and spent all of it on feather boas and make up..

  12. I really do hope there is a God, a heaven and a hell. Because I’m as sure as anything if there is that these shower of cunts will never get through the pearly gates and will be spending their entirety in a slightly hotter place

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