Donald Trump touts fossil fuel agenda in bid for cash from Texas oil donors. Tickets for fundraiser sell for up to $1mn. But the support among some executives is tepid. “Don’t come here and tell us you want $2 gasoline. We don’t want fucking $2 gasoline . . . shut up about ‘drill, baby, drill’.”

Donald Trump touts fossil fuel agenda in bid for cash from Texas oil donors. Tickets for fundraiser sell for up to $1mn. But the support among some executives is tepid. “Don’t come here and tell us you want $2 gasoline. We don’t want fucking $2 gasoline . . . shut up about ‘drill, baby, drill’.”

by mafco

  1. Straight up begs for bribes in exchange for burning the planet, for his own personal benefit.

  2. I guess Trump’s in a bit of a pickle. He promised consumers that he would cut energy prices in half, which is patently absurd to anyone with a clue how the markets work. But producers, who are currently pumping record amounts and making record profits, know that such an ocurrance would wipe out profits and put many of them out of business. “O, what a tangled web we weave…”

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