TIL Noel Edmunds commissioned Weta (LOTR CGI) to make a statue of a guardian knight to celebrate victory in his battle with Lloyds Bank/HBOS, after he almost committed suicide due to them defrauding his business in 2006.

by coob

  1. Edmunds never faced justice for the murder of Clive Anderson in 1997. Public inquiry, surely?

  2. Maybe he can use his victory money to set up another tv show and murder the occasional contestant. Again.

  3. The youtube video in OP looks to be from Noels River Haven TV channel, so hardly unbiased. If you follow the link, this video seems to not be in their list of published videos.

    Very partridge-esque.

  4. My brothers have his autograph on a scrap of paper in an album from his swap shop days – suppose it’s worthless now?

  5. I would highly recommend reading Lost At Sea by Jon Ronson. There’s a whole chapter on Deal Or No Deal and the cult of personality Noel Edmunds created behind the scenes. He is a genuinely creepy dude.

  6. This seems a really upsetting story where bankers defrauded Noel Edmans and he almost killed himself, yet all there’s seems to be are joke comments.


  7. Is this the same Edmunds that claimed to be curing cancer with a £2k electromagnetic gizmo whilst writing a wish list to the cosmos?

    May just take what he’s saying with a pinch of salt.

  8. You spelt Noel’s name wrong, it’s Edmonds not Edmunds. Source: my surname is Edmunds and all spellings of the surname get together once a year for a Wickerman ecs party

  9. This tacky Euro medieval fantasy statue is a smack in the teeth for the local Māori custodians of the land. But then Weta Studios have a track record of appropriating Māori land to cash in on Hollywood demand for ‘Middle Earth’ locations.

  10. He’s nuts. He apparently likes to refer to himself in the third person. I honestly think he’s an acid casualty from overdoing it in the 70s.

  11. Noel Edmunds works with sole traders on his marketing efforts and then refuses to pay them. The man is scum. 

  12. When you’re rich and articulate enough, you’re just eccentric.

    Guys absolutely doollaly. Must have been all that electrosmog getting into his synapses.

  13. “I want you to recall every CD… burn them… and have them melted down into a statue of you… *apologising to me”*

    *–* Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock.

  14. If only he had a friend in the banking industry who was only a phone call away…

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