Latest A96 dualling review timescales revealed as two-year delay approaches

Latest A96 dualling review timescales revealed as two-year delay approaches

by abz_eng

  1. Anyone who has driven this road knows the holdups that can exist – often due to inconsiderate drivers, not letting people passed

    Also this route is the ambulance corridor for Raigmore – Dr Gray’s – Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

  2. £6M on a review. What cost does the SNP put on every death and injury caused by their delays? Incompetence again.

  3. > Almost £6 million has been spent on the review to assess whether the route should become fully dualled between Aberdeen and Inverness. 

    I’d like to solve the puzzle: yes. 

  4. It’s the main road between Imverness and Aberdeen.

    How is this even a question.

    And how can the answer possibly have cost 6m?

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