The Ukrainian Defense Forces have confirmed a strike on a Russian oil depot in the Voronezh region.

“The hit and fire occurred at one of the vertical tanks of the “Annanafteprodukt” fuel and lubricants base.” – the General Staff said.

by BigDeckBob

  1. I see a lot of these attacks on the oil infrastructure. It seems like Russia is able to put them all back together pretty quick.

    One would think that a better strike would be somewhere else

  2. Fuel and lubricants. This means they can’t be proactive before the dildo of consequences arrives.

  3. Argh this is all propaganda… Obviously it was a Russian who accidentally lit his cigarette in the no smoking area, at the 3rd or 4th oil depot this year

  4. Burn Baby! BURN!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

    Every time the russian federation hit civilians in Ukraine, hit more oil depots and refineries.

    I’m sick and tired of all the frikin bull shit rhetoric that’s coming from the west. russian federation is basically a 3rd world country outside of saint petersburg and moscow. And these chicken shit right wing fanatics keep pushing this fear of escalation? What the fuck they gonna do. If any person on this planet launches a nuke, they signed their own death warrant for themselves and everyone in their “administration.” THEY (russians) HAVE MORE TO FEAR THAN WE DO!!!


  5. And nobody kills firefighters, opposite to fucking ruzzians who kills them while they trying to save innocent wounded people.

  6. Low quality drone footage is understandable but this was recorded by a phone. Who knows ANYONE with a phone that has quality video?!?

  7. What!! OMG!!! Shit!!! A “lubricant” Base got hit??!! Orcs will be having a “hard” time to “insect” a “dildo” from now on without those lubricant to cool off that “hole”.

  8. Dude has faith with his pee shooter against the whole place turned in inferno.

  9. Is this the one that “wasn’t struck by any drone or missile”? As per RuZZia.

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