Nach UN-Angaben fordert das Massaker einer haitianischen Bande mindestens 70 Tote

Nach UN-Angaben fordert das Massaker einer haitianischen Bande mindestens 70 Tote

  1. And the deployed African Special Police peacekeeping force did what exactly to prevent, deter or intervene?

  2. Haitians been getting a lot of press lately. I feel like they’re going to be the next hot button tiktok social cause

  3. I can’t wait till this becomes the trendy topic and then my country is seen as evil because the government said they’re gonna start deporting Haitians.

  4. In an audio message shared on social media on Thursday, Gran Grif leader Luckson Elan, who was sanctioned by the U.N. last month, blamed the state and victims for the attacks, accusing residents of remaining passive while his soldiers were killed by police or vigilante groups.

    “It’s Pont-Sonde residents who are at fault. What happened in Pont-Sonde is the fault of the state,” he said.

    -victim blaming coward

  5. Haiti is an obvious failed state. This is largely in part to foreign interference and corruption for 100’s of years. So with this comes a question: Is it the rest of the world’s responsibility to take in Haitian refugees, fix the situation there, or both, or do nothing? What does Reddit think?

  6. I wonder how reddit will use this Haitian derived massacre to blame France and the US?

  7. Can we get a plan that actually makes a dent instead of just another peacekeeping tourr?

  8. Let the gangs come to the US. We love helping the “less fortunate” especially if they have a criminal past. ❤️

  9. The MAGA crowd will try to use this to justify their pet-eating cannibal slander.

    This is what those people escaped from. This is what you’re threatening to send them back to. Try and tell me you’re Christians, go ahead. Just remember — one day you’ll have to explain yourself to Jesus.

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