You could kill the EU, says France. No, you could, Germany replies.

You could kill the EU, says France. No, you could, Germany replies.

by sassy_S95

  1. And it was russian propaganda turning europeans against each other that could kill eu all along

  2. seriously, fuck Olaf at this point. Angela at least had the ability to look somewhat competent while fucking things up, with Olaf everyone can see he has no idea what he is even doing

  3. > You could kill the EU, says France. No, you could, Germany replies.

    So this headline has this subheading:

    > Macron and Scholz clash again over how to counter protectionist America and Chinese power.

    Where do you draw the line?

  4. “No u”, France retorts.
    “Nuh uh”, Germany rebutts.
    “I know you are, but what am I?”, France counters.

  5. They already started to kill it when they sold out to China a decade ago and opend the fucking borders for everyone to storm in.

  6. Do people in most EU nations want to subordinate more national interest for the interests of the EU as a block?

    Because the politicians involved here are right, if the EU nations aren’t going to sacrifice national interest to work together, the block will not be able to effectively wield political or economic influence on the global stage. And if the general public are hostile to compromising their national interest, then the politicians, who are increasingly fearful of insurgent parties, aren’t going to risk their jobs by backing down.

    In an increasingly turbulent world. Where America is swiftly losing interest in playing the global hegemon and acting as the guarantor of thw world order. This kind of headbutting between states is going to paralyse the block when it needs to take action to survive.

    To be clear, I’m British, so this is all academic to me. I’m honestly just curious if there’s a ground level appetite for a more federalised Europe.

  7. I don’t understand the problem here. That’s nothing unusual, just the good old left/right dipole making its way into supranational executive politics. If anything that’s even healthy for the EU.

    I would be way more concerned if those two weren’t blaming each other. Plus, let’s face the fact: they’re just two flavors of right wingers working towards the same goal, that dichotomy isn’t exactly Civil War material

  8. German automobile profits getting dragged down by uncompetitive French automobile interests. Yep, that sounds about right 

  9. Without a real common budget (not 1% of GDP) or a common debt, there will never be a common interest among EU countries. Without a common interest the Union will sadly remain in name only.

  10. Politico has headlines that sound like tabloid trash. Maybe it’s because they are anti-EU right wing tabloid trash.

  11. >Germany is set to vote against new EU duties on Chinese electric vehicles on Friday, after Scholz intervened to toughen up his country’s opposition to the move.

    Pardon my french, but do the germans voting for Scholz like being pounded from behind? Because that is literally what China is doing with its EVs in Europe.

    The German carmaking business is in a dire state right now, but those that worked in it and were really doing something knew that at least 10 years ago. It’s big news now, because the Chinese finally caught up. You have to be insane to not see this. I’m baffled.

  12. I read the title several times but I wonder if I understood what I read so much it seems absurd.

  13. Ahh!

    Brothers fighting again! Warms the cockles of my heart!

    Outside forces attempting to isolate the EU countries again making each of them much easier to overrun.

  14. They both did their best to jeopardize the European project, no need to split the guilt.

  15. We need the EU more than anything, with the Nazis being back on the horizon. They can prefer to call themselves “conservatives” all they want, but they can go and fuck themselves.

  16. When Europe figures out how to *not do austerity* then you guys can be competitive with us and China.

  17. Scholz only takes supposedly strong action when he fears a reaction from outside. As with Storm Shadow against Russia or this time with the cars against China. He has no ideals or anything he stands for. He’s a total whinger. I’m sorry you have to deal with our smurf

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