Imagine you brain so weak you can’t reach 100K. Could you even call yourself civilized?

Imagine you brain so weak you can’t reach 100K. Could you even call yourself civilized?

by Elegantly_Wasted007

  1. I am sure there are no flaws in this data.

    As we all know Portugesians are richer than Germans, Belgians richer than Swiss and Icelandics richer than Norweigians.

  2. There must be something wrong with the data or calculation. People in Czechia and the Balkans almost all own their own homes. They may not all be worth millions but shouldn’t be 15-25k

  3. Would be interesting to see the climb Ireland has made, from single digits to a respectable near civilised.

  4. Less than a hundred bucks a day for 10 years..Do others even try? What do you guys do when you wake up in the afternoon, go back to sleep?

  5. Strange… This post could be from a Dutch or German… WAIT ! Germany at 67 ?!! Ah oui ! J’ai rien dis… suis d’accord …

  6. In Belgium its so high because of property,

    Our culture really promotes home ownership and even middle class and upper middle class parents really try to help with the purchase (as much as possible ofc).

    And also real estate investing is the preferred way to invest because its more physical and safe. a rental or vacation house a step a lot of people make when they pay of their house.

    We even have a saying “Belgians have a brick in their stomach”

  7. Haven’t you heard of the new trend? Instead of progressing, you go backwards to the Mao-Mao ways.

  8. Let’s not forget… That 3228 billion your government is in debt… That you’ll all have to get taxed with to pay for.

    But I’m doing my part by coming here for a month every year for holidays 😘

  9. Given that an average house in Belgium is easily € 450.000.. it makes sense yet compared to Sweden and what I’m slated to make there I feel poorer in Belgium.

    Statistics like this only show so much.

  10. I wonder what number it would be without Wallonia. Still eat sh*’t Hollanders!

  11. Good map of west, central and east Europe I suppose.

    May show the damage of focusing on rented property too.

  12. I feel wealthy looking at this… median can’t be so low? Must exclude pension wealth surely?

  13. Why is it that when I look Eastern Europe donkey Kong jungle music starts playing my head?

  14. I wonder how that’s calculated, median liquid savings aren’t even that high in Sweden

    Edit: quick look seems to put median savings comfortably below 20k

  15. Well, in Germany companies and government are rich, but not everyone can be rich in a strong economy. Also most of the money is with the boomers. Everybody else is mostly poor or just getting by. My boomer parents and all of their friends have at least one house. None of my academic friends have a house. Some own an apartment. I got lucky and got a dirt cheap apartment ages ago. I gambled back then and got lucky. My parents simply bought a house when they were 20. Without any money from their parents.

  16. Just speaking personally.. I’m really bringing down the UK. Any Turks want to adopt me?

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