Wir hätten der Ukraine früher mehr Waffen geben sollen, sagt der ehemalige NATO-Chef

Wir hätten der Ukraine früher mehr Waffen geben sollen, sagt der ehemalige NATO-Chef


  1. *Ukraine’s allies “should have given them more advanced weapons, faster, after the invasion,” Stoltenberg said. “I take my part of the responsibility,” he added.*

    Realistically, could a Ukraine with a blank cheque for NATO weapons eventually win much faster against Russia or would the sheer numbers mean the conflict still drags out?

  2. > “we should have provided Ukraine with much more military support much earlier,” Jens Stoltenberg told the Financial Times. “I think we all have to admit, we should have given them more weapons pre-invasion.”

    While I agree wholeheartedly, this is 20/20 hindsight. The USA had just armed Afghanistan and saw their entire national army collapse in days, and they probably worried Ukraine would collapse the first few days of the war. I can understand why the USA didn’t want weapons immediately falling into the hands of Russia if Ukraine surrendered early.

  3. No shit. So start making up for past mistakes by getting them everything they need now to end this war. Russia won’t stop until Ukraine is nothing but scorched earth.

  4. Ngl, I feel like we need to get the “old guard” mentality out of our system of not acting and realize dictatorships won’t collapse internally before military action upon their neighbors and minorities. Inkling out weapon shipments is some pussy-shit, and the political party that held up shipments are gonna reap-what-they-sow’d this November (in my home country).

  5. They’re fighting our adversary for us to prevent them from expanding their borders so we don’t have to.

    Yeah, we should be giving them what they need.

  6. Well give them a ton more weapons now with less restrictions. STOP DRAGGING YOUR FEET!

  7. im still with ukraine, but NATO says the same thing every year while still holding up more/better weapons for ukraine

  8. Well he is an EX-chief now, nothing will be expected regardless of what he says, might as well make some statements.

  9. The west and their half measures allowing global catastrophe, a tale as old as time 

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